The worst part is I can feel myself slipping back into a dark phase and I'm just not ready to do that again
But yes, we always get through it in the end
Kinda getting sick of this shit. yes, things can get better, but guess what, THEY CAN ALSO GET WORSE. Usually life comes in cycles, but for some people their life is just an unending march to the bottom (not mine, I'm doing great). If women have the right choose what happens with their bodies than so do I, and if I want to say "fuck this shit, I'm getting off" and yeet myself that should be my right, with no judgement.
It's not judging but it's like seing someone with a broken arm who wants to amputate it even though it can be repaired (except the repairment is not as straightforward), we have a will to help like we may have been helped in the past. It is your life of course, but that does not mean I'm not going to try my best to help if I can. And once again you can tell me to go f*ck myself, it's fair game.
Although this brings an interesting question, I've always wondered if we should morally save someone who's trying to kill themselves. Like you said, it's their life, their own conscious decision and we have no right to steal that from them, especially to serve our idea about what's right or wrong without knowing the person, thus erasing them and considering only "living person" but at the same time depression is a disease so maybe it's not *their* decision, and apparently more than 90% of people who jump from a big height and don't die have reported to having changed their mind during the fall.
Sometimes it's not the "can I get through this" it the question of "what am I going to lose along the way." Like with Covid. Everyone's like, "You're young and healthy, you'd survive." But I had viral bronchitis in college. It screwed up my digestive system so bad that I head to have my gallbladder out and 12 years later I still have ibs and bad heartburn and have all kinds of things I can't eat. If I had to get sick with this virus, what other system's function might I lose? Or for others, will they lose their dream job or business and have to settle for something they hate doing for years out of desperation and need for survival?
But yes, we always get through it in the end
Although this brings an interesting question, I've always wondered if we should morally save someone who's trying to kill themselves. Like you said, it's their life, their own conscious decision and we have no right to steal that from them, especially to serve our idea about what's right or wrong without knowing the person, thus erasing them and considering only "living person" but at the same time depression is a disease so maybe it's not *their* decision, and apparently more than 90% of people who jump from a big height and don't die have reported to having changed their mind during the fall.