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· 4 years ago
No shame. Escorts and doms and strippers and all sorts of workers often classified or thought of as “sex workers” often don’t provide sex- or sex isn’t really what many customers want. Many countries legalize and certify various types of “sex therapy” “sex surrogates” and “intimacy coaches” etc. people who specialize in helping clients through rough times when they want or need some level of human intimacy that they cannot otherwise seem to get- or helping clients to overcome traumas, anxieties, social development issues and other things that either hurt/prevent their relationships- or psychologically their feelings of inadequacy in those areas cause them to self sabotage in various ways.
· 4 years ago
It is FAR less shameful or hurtful to society to pay a consenting adult to provide human interaction of contact than it is to abuse others or allow your inability to seek help cause you to manifest various personality/behavioral issues. It would be nice if as a society we could respect people who provide these services better, and more importantly protect them far better. Perhaps the only “shame” in such behavior is where such workers are often not strictly speaking consenting- but are coerced or even enslaved to provide services they do not want to but effectively have no choice but to do. If we remove exploitation from the equation- consenting adults do together as they may. We need better measures in our society to help people with basic needs including human interaction.
· 4 years ago
I just want someone to vent to without the fear of burdening them with my issues or shifting our friendship to be where I hog the venting and the support. That last one I need to work on but still.