Vote Democrat for the "anything goes" results
5 years ago by saw · 1042 Likes · 8 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
There is an absurdity to it- but when did we REACH that state? The world has always been in that state. In the West, the East- show me a time where those with power couldn’t get away with doing things in the present. Show me a time when your family name or lineage or “birthright” wasn’t passed down- from the ancient dynasties to the Scottish Isles, the castles of Europe and the Hatfields and Mcoys- what comes before us gets carried into us.
· 5 years ago
The aristocracy of France went before the guillotine for being rich and entitled. They didn’t create that system. It was there when they were born. A slave in 1780 or Prince Harry- they didn’t choose their birth. It was all by deeds done before they were born. It isn’t so easy to just declare you abandon everything that came before you and are no longer socially or legally bound to the things that happened before you were born is it?
· 5 years ago
But here’s a lesson in absurdity that Mr. Sowell appears to miss- he doesn’t question how or why a person can inherit the good that happened before they were born- but if one can inherit the legacy of good, Why then does one get to revise themselves from any part of the bad? If we can inherent the wages of the past- why is it that we are free from the debts of those wages?
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· 5 years ago
A person is not responsible for what happened BEFORE they were born. As Mr. Sowell bemoans- a person should be accountable for what they do in their own life. If I were to inherent a small fortune, which cane from gold teeth an ancestor had pulled from the mouths of those sent to concentration camps and art taken from the homes and museums of foreign lands- I am NOT responsible for how they got that money- but I am accountable for what I do with what is clearly unethical fortunes. What I do with that fortune is about ME, MY character. That is my responsibility. I can’t undo their wrongs but I do not have to be complicit in them or tacitly accept the wages of their sins. To do so makes me an accomplice in taking from another to enrich myself the same as them.
· 5 years ago
And of course- it may be impossible or impractical to track down every single individual persons descendent who was wronged to return what would belong to them by right of inheritance. Intangibles like freedom or what could have been build cannot be returned- nor can I give back to the dead or those with no heirs. But knowing the wrongs done and the harms passed down to future descendants from my ancestors act- I can at least use those wages of wrong to try to mitigate or reverse some of that wrong IN THE PRESENT, where I AM RESPONSIBLE for what I do.
· 5 years ago
Did you create the conflict in the Middle East? Did you make millions off of factories and deforestation or get to spend 30+ years enjoying the spoils of that? No. Many who built the modern economic and environmental crises in the world are dead or just about dead. So what do you say? You don’t have to worry about climate change or wages or being able to buy a home because you didn’t make the problem? No. It’s your problem now because you inherited it. Do nothing- and you’ll pass it to your kids who are even farther from the source of the problem. The boomers get blamed for creating the mess we are in but remember- the Boomers inherited the systems and technology that created this mess from THEIR PARENTS.
· 5 years ago
They inherited a world devastated by total war. At some point someone has to stop bitching about who’s fault it is- and the people in a position to set things on the right track just have to nut up and fix it- or lean back, enjoy the cheap Soda and burgers and WiFi, and be a part of a problem their kids will inherit.
· 5 years ago
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