My Dad was once fired while he was a fireman. They told him he had to be fired because of gross negligence. They claimed a man's mother died in a fire because my Dad refused to let anyone go inside to get her.
He knew it was coming so he found proof that not only did the man set the fire himself but it was to cover the fact he killed his mom before hand and purposely waited till it was unsafe for fireman to go into the building to call for help.
They didn't fire him but instead sent him to learn how to be a fire Marshall. Lmfao.
He talked himself out of a firing into a promotion.
I dunnoh... I might respond something like: “thank you for the opportunity to work here. I appreciate all that I learned and understand that you’ve decided to go another direction. I hope we get another opportunity to work together in the future and wish you and the team the best...” something like that. Because really... who cares? Yeah. It may have been nice to get it in person but what’s the point? What good comes from it? That’s like people who trash their jobs on exit interviews- do you think it carries any weight or is going to influence policy? Why do they care about the admonishing of a now ex employee- especially if you were fired- you didn’t leave because of XYZ- they fired you, they didn’t lose you because they treated you wrong.
It comes off as disgruntled. If I fire you- you didn’t feel so strongly that up until now you needed to say anything or even that it was worth it to find another job. But suddenly you have plenty to say? If we want to talk about cowardly- speaking up after you’re fired and the only consequences you could suffer are burning bridges- but not having the guts to stick up when there were potential consequences? People grow taller when they feel they have nothing to lose.
Either way- I don’t see a point in bothering to tell the guy you don’t appreciate it. If you REALLY feel the need- send the email “thank you... great opportunity... blah blah” and throw a line in somewhere like “Dear Steve, I’d hoped we could have done this face to face but...” no need to fluff and posture. Changes nothing if they do it face to face. You’re still fired. Some places the boss doesn’t even fire you- they call you into HR.
And here is a flip side- Even if the guy worked in the same building as me- I’d rather get a call or an email. It’s the shortest, fastest, most convenient way to be fired. It saves me having to make a trip to work or spend more than a second on the issue. Poof. You’re fired. Go find another job. You can wait as long as you want to respond and you have time to edit and compose as opposed to being caught off guard. I like to see as little of my coworkers as possible- so thank you for not wasting my time with a videocall that would take longer to connect than it would for me to read a subject line saying: “You’re fired.” Why do you need a call? “Hello.” “Hi Dave. Sorry. You’re fired.” “Thank you for letting me know. It’s been a pleasure and hope to work with you again.” “You too Dave. I know you’ll land on your feet. We just went a different direction.” “I understand. Best luck.” “You too.” “Ok. Bye.” “Bye.” A worthwhile use of time I’m sure.
He knew it was coming so he found proof that not only did the man set the fire himself but it was to cover the fact he killed his mom before hand and purposely waited till it was unsafe for fireman to go into the building to call for help.
They didn't fire him but instead sent him to learn how to be a fire Marshall. Lmfao.
He talked himself out of a firing into a promotion.