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· 5 years ago
More like “so far”. Unlike fossil fuels stupidity is an unlimited resource.
· 5 years ago
Yes. Fuel. Certainly we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels- and should. But... it’s not so simple. See- the MAJOR use for oil is... plastics. Polymers. The wonderful gadgets and advanced technologies that make up modern life and allow modern convenience. Then you have to look at the whole picture. The heavy metals and toxic chemicals- often as dangerous and as long lived as nuclear waste- that we need for things like solar power and batteries. Google the strip mines where raw materials for batteries come from. Google what the land around a battery plant looks like. It’s death.
· 5 years ago
Efficient digital devices use less energy throughout their lives- taking most of their energy to construct. Older technology takes very little energy and resources to construct- but will use more in its life. That’s a problem with a truck that lasts 50+ years- and modern efficient tools can do much better.... but most wont be in service for 50 years. 10 years is a stretch- and phones and laptops and the bulk of consumer goods don’t have lifespans more than a few years. They never get a chance for the savings if their efficiency to make back the environmental costs to make them before they are replaced for vanity of obsolescence.
· 5 years ago
We don’t actually need to topple multinational conglomerates and travel to the seat of government and reshape the world and invent new toys to make a HUGE difference. All you have to do is..... give some things up. Keep things longer. But quality over quantity. Buy less “fad” items and novelties and disposable nonsense. Vacuum your own house instead of having a robot to do it for you. Maybe you don’t live in the louvre and don’t need 15 security cameras and maybe like 10,000 years of dogs... your dog will be ok without a Bluetooth auto doggy door and the ability to call you from home while your anywhere on the planet?
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· 5 years ago
Sure. Run some LED lights. But maybe just because they cost $4 a month to run all your lights and last for 100,000,000 hours- maybe you could still keep most of them off except when you need them- and I’m sorry if the ambiance isn’t ideal but neither is a dead planet. Perhaps your lawn would be better as a rock garden or native grass that is watered by... nature? Maybe a push mower that takes no gas and lasts 400 years is a pain in the ass but better than the gas mower or even your electric weed whacker?
· 5 years ago
We each shape the world. We can change our habits and drastically change the trajectory of the planet. Our buying habits drive industry and so if we decide we want less- more responsibly and higher quality, that price and quantity aren’t the driving factors for our dollar- things would change themselves. No need for pocket signs outside nestle or coke. Stop buying their shit and save the world. But... that requires we.... give up things. Solar panels and electric cars and “green” home products... they are all ways to try and keep our unsustainable lifestyle.
· 5 years ago
It doesn’t matter if you need a million barrels of oil a day or 10 million gross of hemp to feed our desire for plastics- on those scales you’re going to be causing devastation. Why do you think they cut the Amazon? Cartoon villainy? A hatred of trees? Half the time it isn’t even for the wood- often laws mean they can’t sell that wood and have to basically throw it out. The primary reason for slash and burn in the Amazon is for commercial farming kids.
· 5 years ago
The kind of farming that many “alternative” methods require be increased in size to fill consumer demand. If you keep asking- they will keep supplying. You aren’t children anymore. Mommy and daddy won’t stop you from eating too much candy or taking the last slice of Pizza before all the other kids got theirs. You’re in self control mode now. You have to look and say that you’ve eaten so much candy you’ve made the world sick.
· 5 years ago
No one is betting that.
· 5 years ago
Hydrocarbons formed naturally within our crust due to the presence of methane, hydrogen and carbon. There will always be oil
· 5 years ago
That assumes that new oil is forming at least as fast as we pump it out.
· 5 years ago
Well that’s the caveat right? There WILL be new oil- but we have to wait a few million years before we can get to enough to satisfy demand.