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· 5 years ago
I’d risk getting my head cut off on YouTube for the thiccness
· 5 years ago
I mean... experiences differ... but knowing 3 firemen well I can say all three got into it with one of their motivations being “pussy.” I also know a few electrical workers who likewise- likes the job because it allowed them to travel and have free time to smash while keeping them in shape and impressing women (rugged handy man with a stable trade and good pay is surprisingly appealing.) and well... spend some time with guys on deployment or just talk to them. I’m not saying every single one but.... a bunch of 18-24yo dudes cooped up and alternating between mind numbing boredom and pants shitting danger.... “pussy” is something that at least in years past... was majorly on the minds of soldiers.
· 5 years ago
From military service to police service to fire etc- from my own experience with guys I’ve known... most all have a desire to make a difference with their lives and be part of something bigger- but most all also were well aware that “pussy” tends to be in the cards. I also have seen a lot of ego- guys who honestly... well... I call it “cocktail party syndrome.” You go to a party in your teens or 20’s and meet people your age or about who are already fast track execs, have their own businesses, are engineers or other “impressive” jobs and people do judge you- but many people feel judged to say “I manage a store in the mall..” or “I’m a Garbage collector” even if these are valuable and often high paying jobs that can be very difficult.
· 5 years ago
So for at least a percent- there is ego. “I designed that new building down town” is hard to top- but “I serve the public and put myself in danger daily for you to be able to do that...” is a way to psychologically level that field- and suddenly the income disparity isn’t something to be looked down upon but is a sacrifice. A good number of LEO I know there is a psychological component of power there- the CEO standing across from you- he can’t give you orders and you know if push cake to shove you could arrest him or make his day harder for something. Even if it doesn’t stick you can rattle his cage.
· 5 years ago
But I’m just saying- not that all that all men think about is “pussy” (let’s not forget gay men, asexuals etc. along with all the “heterosexual” men who don’t obsess over “pussy”) but I am saying that perhaps some of these examples are flawed. And yeah- you probably aren’t thinking about sex while being shot at- in my experience no, but pretty much no one thinks about one thing 24/7- that’s simply focus. An Olympic runner (that wants to win) is thinking about the race while they are running it. Hell- at least for men- even when you are having sex (if it’s any good) you aren’t thinking about wether you’re hungry or your sports team or what needs to be done at work (well... maybe just for a bit if you need to “slow down” for some guys I guess?) point is..
· 5 years ago
Tl:dr- Men aren’t comic characters. Even the perviest man- if he is any good at anything else- will be able to focus on a critical task long enough to get it done.
· 5 years ago
I can assure you that this is on the dot for ele pole guys
· 5 years ago
Im in this picture and I don’t like it
· 5 years ago
Are you the cunt?
· 5 years ago
All of the above