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· 5 years ago
Put her on trial for animal cruelty. Or put the 100 dead bunnies on her doorstep. Or both.
· 5 years ago
Won't go to trial. A fine is the best possible outcome. Sadly.
· 5 years ago
God that’s horrendous at least she has to live everyday knowing what she did. I figure that’d weigh heavily on a vegan.
· 5 years ago
We can laugh or head shake her foolishness- but maybe instead we could learn from it. She had good intentions. I don’t know if she is “dumb” and most people would think they are pretty smart. Maybe she is really smart but just didn’t know a lot about farms and rabbits. An “honest mistake” done in good intentions. And that... is a good deal of us. We don’t think we are dumb, we see something bad, we want to fix it- but how many of us REALLY understand the complexities of what it is we are dealing with? Bunnies are pretty simple compared to economic and social issues or legal issues and so forth. Maybe we could learn from this and say “I may be pretty smart, and I may feel strongly about this, but maybe I should take the time to REALLY learn about the details and master the subject and it’s dependencies before I let the bunnies out of the cage?” Just a thought.
· 5 years ago
Good intentions don't mean shit when you fuck up. it's the outcome that matters.
· 5 years ago
Yeah, the saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” puts it nicely
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· 5 years ago
Well yeah. That’s the gist of my point- but saying that results are all that matters is like saying you’d be fine with it if you found out your hospital sent you to get surgery from a person who wasn’t even a doctor. I mean- you’d be happy if they got it right- and to you- what’s the difference if it’s fixed? But no. The fact he managed to replace your fathers bad heart valve isn’t all that matters when a random gas station worker picks up a scalpel.
· 5 years ago
The fact that it didn’t end in disaster if a major airline decided to just let anyone who wanted to fly the plane to save on pilots for a week- doesn’t mean we all should just shrug and go “well- nothing bad happened so what’s the big deal. The results were good.”
· 5 years ago
The fact is that your intentions don’t make a practical difference compared to the results you get, but the results you get and the results you intended not matching is pretty serious. That is a sign you don’t know what you are doing- and any “good” results you get are primarily “luck,” like the unlicensed doctor it is inconsistent.
· 5 years ago
While sometimes appropriate and certainly iconic- the saying is perhaps better said as: the road to hell Is paved with poor decisions. Good or bad intentions, making poor decisions will eventually catch up to a person- especially if they begin to believe that external factors causing good results are somehow attributable to them.
· 5 years ago
You can’t have any confidence of substance in a decision being good or not if you don’t even understand the decision you are making. It’s like trying to play a card game and not having any idea of the rules. 2-7 off suite is a pretty sweet hand in baccarat- if you’re playing hold em or black jack though you may not want to keep it.
· 5 years ago
Self confidence is great- but not so much when it leads us to ignore facts over a sense of manifest destiny. We all make poor choices every day- hers on that day killed 100 rabbits. I’m not defending her. I’m saying that while we all laugh at her it’s good to remember that could be any of us- it just takes one bad decision- so I’m just hoping to remind people to think critically because this lady is a very good example of what can happen when you allow logical fallacy and ignorance to combine with poor choices. Had it not turned out this way- she would have been lucky- not skilled or justified. It was a poor decision and bet money she didn’t think it would end this way. Most of us don’t think this will be us... until it is. Just reminding people to think- we aren’t immune.
· 5 years ago