good analogy but take the next step. then the millennials came along and started wiping their ass with their bare hands and endlessly bitching that the boomers didn't change the roll instead of doing some thing about it.
· 5 years ago
I mean a lot of people are trying to do something about it but go off ig
not many are doing things about it most are standing at a microphone screaming how its some one else's fault. tons of yelling about whether we broke the climate or if it's just the natural cycle. we complain about the air but no one is talking about not buying stuff made from India and china the 2 biggest air polluters on the planet (and i'm not getting in to that debate ) but you know what i mean. elon and others donate money for trees but how much will actually go to planting trees and is someone actually planting them because i would think that would be a big story the first tree to be planted with all that money (mind you im not up on current news so that might have happened already) but you get where im coming from. where's the big debate about cleaning up the ocean we definitely polluted it and we can definitely fix it but its going to take money and man power but that's work and most of these mouthpieces don't want to work they want the spot light and to feel superior to others
Yea actually so many people volunteered and they're being planted?? Seems like millenials are the ones ones doing anything actually. All the money went to trees. Money is going to Australia. Money is going to ocean clean up. People are volunteering for all these things which you could do too.
But if you volunteered you will see all the others helping and all the workers would be 30 and younger and that wouldn't fit you're narrative. Plus based on other comments you've made it seems you would be angry if they weren't white and straight and they made sure to never use slang.
Like you are a boomer in mindset and actions.
Homeboy is not happy with you.
well shit that's great the millennial fixed all the problems so no more debating it i guess and also great that the black community is so involved with saving the planet. and they road a way on their unicorns and lived happily ever after. sorry im done trying to educate the home boys. at this point they can live in ignorant bliss.
· 5 years ago
How are you actually so prejudice tho
Who hurt you?
Are you okay?
But if you volunteered you will see all the others helping and all the workers would be 30 and younger and that wouldn't fit you're narrative. Plus based on other comments you've made it seems you would be angry if they weren't white and straight and they made sure to never use slang.
Like you are a boomer in mindset and actions.
Homeboy is not happy with you.
Who hurt you?
Are you okay?