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· 5 years ago
Welllll..... not entirely. See- the thing that is seldom thought about in romantic post apocalyptic fantasy is what happens to all our human crap? See- the world is full of giant ecological disasters that don’t happen because we stop them. Once humans stop keeping up power plants and factories and chemical processing sites and such... you’ll see explosions, chemical and radiation leaks, ships full of oil and garbage rotting and sinking and destroying ecosystems.
· 5 years ago
Now- Thanos destroyed half the population. But without any clear bias. WHO is left becomes very important. But a sudden halving of the global population would have insane effects. Our economic system works on scale consumerism. Half the consumers means we need less. That makes entire large scale operations and businesses non profitable in their present form. There isn’t an incentive nor possibly a means to support them.
· 5 years ago
Then putting asides all the people for whatever time period don’t know about the snap and are left to wonder if it was some sort of weapon by a foreign government or terrorist organization etc- the fun starts. We don’t know that those “half” that were vaporized cake proportionately geographically. What would happen in the Middle East if Egypt and Palestine were relatively untouched but Israel lost millions of people- or vice versa?
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· 5 years ago
Putting asides all the conflict hot zones that a sudden imbalance or perception of advantage could ignite, and of course all the countries that might have territorial ambitions but not act on them because the cards aren’t presently in their favor- the market collapse on a global scale from this event would be likely unprecedented. Not just a huge loss of consumer base and worker base as well as uncertainty etc- but among those “half” of people were inevitably politicians and executives and extremely wealthy folks. Tesla without Elon, No more Bill Gates perhaps?
· 5 years ago
That economic crash could and likely would cause war and conflict. There would likely be starvation, shortages of goods and services. Where powerful leaders were snapped there would be coups and power struggles. Places where the young snapped away outnumber the old would face crisis as well.
· 5 years ago
It’s very likely governments would have incentivized people to boost the population as quickly as possible where able. In the meantime we’d also loose people like those that clear forests and power lines or who enforce environmental regulations. Given the soreness of many people’s circumstances- it’s likely that environmental concerns would take a back seat to practical industry.
· 5 years ago
We already see that in areas where economic growth lags- it’s a historical process- generally countries move from industry that prioritizes fast results at low monetary cost without concern for other factors- eventually to industry that puts the processes at a higher priority to scale. At a point the market becomes saturated by cheap and easy products or the means and resources to continue production become too scarce and more advanced products are required to continue growth. These products however generally require that the basic needs of a population be met in surplus before they become viable. People invent or buy shoes before they worry about smart lightbulbs or eco friendly straws.
· 5 years ago
So I contend that the post snap earth would not be all peace and sunshine and nature- but in fact would more likely be a place of instability and the devastation caused by the after effects. There were only 2.3 Billion people on earth at the start of WW2- less than only half the current population of the world. Humans managed to destroy nature and kill each other on an astonishing scale just fine with those numbers.
· 5 years ago
Well there are two different snaps that this could be referencing. The original IW snap that eliminated half of life or the potential snap in Endgame where he would have recreated the Universe from scratch to be in balance. We don’t really know what his definition of “balanced” is, we only know that he believed removing half of life was a long-term solution for overpopulation, which is totally isn’t. So his new universe could have been a paradise or it could have just been another staring line for life to do what it does and run the place into the ground.
· 5 years ago
I’m still confused on what happens to all the people that missed years of school or they were infants and in the missing years their parents died
· 5 years ago
Did you see Spider-Man: Far from Home?
· 5 years ago
Yeah. I... unpopular opinion but I just can’t think about Infinity war and didn’t enjoy it much. I was thinking leading up to the movie how they’d fix it all without time travel- then sitting watching the beginning going “please... not time travel...” and then... just damnit. It’s fiction yes. The strong suit of the marvel movies isn’t their well thought out realism- but they’ve mostly managed with the earlier films some plausibility and suspension of disbelief. Keeping things to where one can just go with it and have to get somewhat nit picky to really have much to call out- internal consistency. But man. That was just too much for me.
· 5 years ago
Between the snap and it’s implications and their basic dismissal to the internal flaws in their time travel and infinity stone “rules” and... I just try not to think about it.
· 5 years ago
No I didn’t see that movie yet, but from what I understand it acts more as a bandaid on a amputated leg than as an actual answer