This depiction of ancalagon is very hyperbolic. His exact size is never given, the only real indicator of his size is that, when felled by earendil, his impact with the ground sundered the towers of thangorodrim which are literal mountains, however this feat was also accomplished by durin's bane, the Balrog slain by Gandalf atop the mountain housing moria and a Balrog was described as being larger than a man but not huge.
The great eagle accompanying earendil had a wing span similar to Smaug so ancalagon would only be 1.5 to 2 times his size and, ancalagon being clearly labeled the largest and greatest of the dragons, it's easy to see that Smaug was actually huge af in scale of Tolkien dragons.
Nerds are the best. I need more. I'm starting into the Silmarillion, but I also want a fleshed out novel about the Witch-King of Angmar. That would be awesome.
The witch king is a cool af mofo. One of the rare "humans" able to use magic at a higher level, near elven.
· 5 years ago
He sounds cool. Terrifying, but cool.
I'm just barely starting into the Silmarillion and have been looking a bunch of stuff up online to make sense of it all, and ended up talking to a coworker about Glorfindel, because I was confused at the term "re-embodied."
She said it was like he basically respawned in Valinor. I asked if that happened with all elves, and she said No, only those who impress the Valar.
Then I said "So defs not Fëanor and his kids then."
She started wheezing from laughing so hard!
The great eagle accompanying earendil had a wing span similar to Smaug so ancalagon would only be 1.5 to 2 times his size and, ancalagon being clearly labeled the largest and greatest of the dragons, it's easy to see that Smaug was actually huge af in scale of Tolkien dragons.
I'm just barely starting into the Silmarillion and have been looking a bunch of stuff up online to make sense of it all, and ended up talking to a coworker about Glorfindel, because I was confused at the term "re-embodied."
She said it was like he basically respawned in Valinor. I asked if that happened with all elves, and she said No, only those who impress the Valar.
Then I said "So defs not Fëanor and his kids then."
She started wheezing from laughing so hard!