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· 5 years ago
That shit went from 70 to tornado to 30 to snow to 70 again over a weekend
· 5 years ago
You sound like you're from Texas as well
· 5 years ago
Howdy. How’d you enjoy the snow this weekend?
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· 5 years ago
That shit was crazy, but nowhere near the craziest ever, not even top 50. And yeah, the snow was nice for all of the 3 hours it stuck.
· 5 years ago
Lucky it didn’t stick where I am but it was fun to run through
· 5 years ago
when I say "stuck" i mean about a half a cm that had enough surface area as not to melt for while while being defined on two observable planes. The first plane is the tips of the grass. There was just enough to make it look dusty. What it really did was make the grass crunchy. Grass crunchy like glass; coke from Santa's ass. The second plane is the roof. I found ice there, but the industrious squirrels were on it and took care of everything before I even really noticed. This isn't a long running joke anymore; these fucking squirrels are goddamn corps engineers. It's fucking incredible.
· 5 years ago
The secret is they wore out the ice with all the figure skating they were doing
· 5 years ago
Those fuckers are crazy. They hit the slope, fling off, then somehow fling backwards and grip the cliff. Fuckin' ninja shit.