I wish as a society we would just accept that some people have different tastes and preferences and stop telling them that they’re being picky. I’m sorry Karen but your deviled eggs taste like the devils ass
· 5 years ago
People can't accept that I dont like eggs, not allergic or anything. When you live on one certain type of food for so long, you really start to hate it, I only force and gag an egg down for the nutrition and that alone.
I am deadly afraid of Mayo Mustard and Pickles. I say deadly because if I touch it I go full freak out mode and will scrub the spot it touched me till I bleed if not stopped I will scratch it to the meat or worse I will use hot water to wash it and the water will get scalding hot. I once got a blister from it. And I can't stop myself from freaking out for a long time.
My husband is fully aware of my problem. He like everyone I meet and tell this to don't believe it till they test me. When we were married for 2 months he accidentally tapped my arm with mayo. I screamed and ran to wash it off. He called out to me saying I was faking. Till he saw the fear in my eyes and that I nearly had a heart attack trying to get away from his hands which still had Mayo on it. So he believes me now.
But because he knows how bad it is he helps me. He checks my food when we go to places where my food might have it on it. He helps tell the lie I use which is I say I am HIGHLY allergic to them.
Wow I got down voted for admitting a secret of mine that plagues me everyday of my life.
Let me guess y'all don't believe I am afraid of it.
The reason I am scared of it was when I was about 7 yrs old my grandmother took me to spend the summer with my cousin and BITCH AUNT SHARON. Now I call her BITCH AUNT SHARON because one day while there she made tuna fish for dinner. Now at the time I just didn't like the things I fear now. Infact I actually also ate coleslaw at that time. But I HATED tuna fish. So I say can I have something else. Because at home my grandmother would make me Mac and cheese when my family had tuna fish. So my grandmother offers to make me some. My FUCKING AUNT says NO SHE IS GOING TO EAT TUNE FISH and she SHOVES a larger metal spoon into my mouth FULL of tuna fish she chipped my tooth forcing it in than routes the spoon to dump it in my mouth. She ripped it out tearing the corners of my mouth.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
@mrscollector I wouldn't take downvotes to heart, I have a suspicious somebody with multiple accounts is going around downvoting people with stars.
Than she slapped her hand on my mouth and said SWOLLOW IT!! I end up vomiting from being handled so rough. It goes all over me and her rug. I start to cry and she yells at me saying I did it on purpose. She screams at me to clean it up and I cry as I am on my hands and knees covered in vomit cleaning it off her precious God damn rug. When she says it was good enough she told me to go to bed. My grandmother wanted to give me a bath and my aunt screamed No make her sleep in her filth. So I went to bed covered in mayo mustard and pickle tuna fish vomit. I was 2 hrs drive from home but to a 7yr old it may as well been from the Earth to the moon. I wanted my mom and dad and I cried myself to sleep. After that I feared the stuff.
It started small of no please don't get that near me to where it is now where I fear for my flesh if it is touched with it as if it is acid.
You try going through that and see how you come out.
My husband is fully aware of my problem. He like everyone I meet and tell this to don't believe it till they test me. When we were married for 2 months he accidentally tapped my arm with mayo. I screamed and ran to wash it off. He called out to me saying I was faking. Till he saw the fear in my eyes and that I nearly had a heart attack trying to get away from his hands which still had Mayo on it. So he believes me now.
But because he knows how bad it is he helps me. He checks my food when we go to places where my food might have it on it. He helps tell the lie I use which is I say I am HIGHLY allergic to them.
Let me guess y'all don't believe I am afraid of it.
The reason I am scared of it was when I was about 7 yrs old my grandmother took me to spend the summer with my cousin and BITCH AUNT SHARON. Now I call her BITCH AUNT SHARON because one day while there she made tuna fish for dinner. Now at the time I just didn't like the things I fear now. Infact I actually also ate coleslaw at that time. But I HATED tuna fish. So I say can I have something else. Because at home my grandmother would make me Mac and cheese when my family had tuna fish. So my grandmother offers to make me some. My FUCKING AUNT says NO SHE IS GOING TO EAT TUNE FISH and she SHOVES a larger metal spoon into my mouth FULL of tuna fish she chipped my tooth forcing it in than routes the spoon to dump it in my mouth. She ripped it out tearing the corners of my mouth.
It started small of no please don't get that near me to where it is now where I fear for my flesh if it is touched with it as if it is acid.
You try going through that and see how you come out.