Learn the difference between the people you have in your life and the ENTIRE race they represent. Some people that were white might have made your life more difficult, does racism cure that and fix your life?
· 5 years ago
Well, first of all Saira Rao doesn't even say she hates white people, or that every white person personally has made her life miserable, but it didn't take long for the first offended white snowflake to take it personally and go all sarcastic. Unwhite people best just shut the fuck up, because unsettling white people is not a popular thing to do.
You can't read and I feel sorry for you.
edit: Oh, and also you are constantly defending an actual racist who would throw at least parts of your family out of the country simply for being not white. I'm pretty sure your self-loathing will cause you stomach cancer before you are 25.
Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. My cousin wants to be American? He can stop running drugs from Juarez first. I'm glad Trump is trying to keep him out.
edit: Oh, and also you are constantly defending an actual racist who would throw at least parts of your family out of the country simply for being not white. I'm pretty sure your self-loathing will cause you stomach cancer before you are 25.