Yeah sex is great but have you ever rolled max damage before?
5 years ago by riop · 314 Likes · 3 comments · Trending
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· 5 years ago
True story time. I’ll make a long story uncommonly short for me because the set up is very convoluted. We were playing D&D decades ago. I got into a situation where the DM had to improvise a bit as I was fighting something you aren’t supposed to fight. This was a chance for revenge. We constantly found the most idiotic and confounding ways to play his campaign and often ruin elaborate plots and set ups- once a whole campaign- through recklessness and foolery. He COULD just say I lose automatically or such- but he knew that we’d raise hell if he pulled that. So he went to the manuals and cane back with a foe I could fight.
· 5 years ago
It boiled down to me having to roll 5 natural 20’s in a row on a D20. He figured that was suitably impossible- but just possible enough I’d try and he’d finally kill me. I took the bait despite his sly “you can still back out... I’ll let you escape but you’ll lose your sword and armor... nuts to that. I did it. In view of all the party with community dice. The odds of that are pretty insane. 5 back to back nat 20’s. The super kicker? The limited data on the entity I was fighting didn’t make it immune to vorpal. What’s more? He didn’t add it either. One hit kill on a near divine entity. The loot was epic- his rage and disbelief were even better. I couldn’t believe it myself honestly. That was a good session and I miss those characters and people. Lol.
· 5 years ago
I would like to make a roll for MURDER