The Captain got it. Some worthless peice of shit was targeting my pitbull with a pellet gun. I didn't lay a hand on him, but he ran like a bat out of Hell at the sight of my Kabar.
When the cops showed up, I said I was just chasing off a trespasser. They investigated anyways, but no photos, no video, and he did admit to being on my property.
Cops said I should have called them first, I reminded them that it took them an hour to respond to his call.
I respect you for not hurting him but oh boy, I think if I actually knew someone was hurting my dogs and then saw them I wouldn't have cared in that moment whether I was jailed or not.
· 5 years ago
@famousone mad respect man, I don’t think I’d be able to stop myself from straight up strangling a person bc they threatened my two pits
When the cops showed up, I said I was just chasing off a trespasser. They investigated anyways, but no photos, no video, and he did admit to being on my property.
Cops said I should have called them first, I reminded them that it took them an hour to respond to his call.