What she isn’t is a holder of public office. She’s a private citizen and an old lady. Why we keep bringing her up in political discussions is beyond me.
We elected a guy president who’s qualifications were:
- alive.
-over 35.
- US citizen.
- Owns a building (with questionable success.)
- Had a reality TV show.
No political experience- not even mayor of a small town. A public that largely condemns the modern corporate state of things hired a guy because he “does business stuffs” to run the country. So in 2020, people likely figure they have a shot too. 8 years ago the guy in the wizard hat was a joke. In 2020 he could be a strong competitor. So there’s a ton of candidates because well... it turns out they’ll give the job to anyone if they say the right things and the competition is perceived as at least worse.
The second reason is that most of the world and half the country or more has spent the last 4 years hating the CIC and mocking him, the country, and its citizens. So the democrats likely figure that there is gonna be a stigma attached to anything that comes out of the Republican camp. They don’t seem too eager to endorse Trump (and that’s before he started impeachment...) So America waits and wonders who it will be? What will they drag before us this time? Mike Pence? Cthulhu? A horse that has been taught to count and runs a successful lemonade stand chain in Georgia? The GOP has fallen a way from Lincoln. Hoover seems a Dream, and when you’re wishing you could maybe bring in another Nixon because he’s looking good by comparison in public polls....
I mean... Reagan did some SHADY and/or ILLEGAL stuff. Lots of people have lots of reasons not to like him- but even most people who don’t like what he did tend to at least like the guy. He sold weapons to terrorists and the world is still more receptive to the man than the current CIC. And Obama wasn’t perfect by far- but despite SOME level of disapproval coming inevitably from his race, and from patently false rumors like him being Muslim or not a born American persisting TO THIS DAY- Obama managed to not only win without controversy on the polls- but have a higher approval rating than the guy we have... who’s also being impeached. For one of the many crimes or ethics breaches he’s allegedly committed.
So I mean- the republicans do have a slight uphill slope in terms of perception to overcome. Neither Bush was particularly well regarded even if critics must admit they both had some real wins and good in their terms- but the worst we could say of our last few democratic presidents was that they raised taxes or we didn’t like their personal lives. Obama was heavy on the drones- but both gulf wars were green lit by... republicans. I’m not saying it’s “their fault” or anything like that. I’m saying that when people think of the last several American conflicts- they tend to associate that with the GOP.
When people think guns- they tend to think GOP. People are very upset about school and mass shootings lately especially. And of course... they think GOP. The last guy to run on a “joe 6 pack ticket” is... the guy I’ve been talking about. The last one before that was a lady that even most right wingers thought was crazy. So any republican candidate is going to have to be mindful of that and can’t play the same tune too closely. So the Dems think they’ve got it (which a sure thing is usually exactly what the dems screw up...) So.... get ready for the circus. It’s anyone’s game. Being labeled a socialist will ruin your campaign- being labeled a Nazi won’t- so don’t count the Red states out yet.
No. Regardless of who wins- the American people and often the world have been losing in our elections as of late. I try very hard to find good in things and faith in humanity- politics and elections tend to make that a difficult job.
- alive.
-over 35.
- US citizen.
- Owns a building (with questionable success.)
- Had a reality TV show.
No political experience- not even mayor of a small town. A public that largely condemns the modern corporate state of things hired a guy because he “does business stuffs” to run the country. So in 2020, people likely figure they have a shot too. 8 years ago the guy in the wizard hat was a joke. In 2020 he could be a strong competitor. So there’s a ton of candidates because well... it turns out they’ll give the job to anyone if they say the right things and the competition is perceived as at least worse.