It's an amusing comic
But I found myself thinking along similar lines to yourself
The implication here is that people can physically harm/forcibly relocate people that don't share the same viewpoint as them
Which is terrifying
It's fascism
That being said, nice meme
flat earthism isn't a viewpoint, its a state of being objectively wrong and refusing to accept that fact. It's actively spreading misinformation. The only difference between flat earthism and antivax is that flat earthism didnt cause old sicknesses to resurface or the flu to spread multi times harder than it normally does.
If they have kids and brain-wash them and those kids have kids and brainwash them... we'll have a whole segment of the population demanding we teach "Flat-Earth theory" in school. That would be a problem.
But I found myself thinking along similar lines to yourself
The implication here is that people can physically harm/forcibly relocate people that don't share the same viewpoint as them
Which is terrifying
It's fascism
That being said, nice meme