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· 5 years ago
Sad- true- but it makes sense and is the only solution that works on a wide scale. We have laws to protect privacy and things like that right? So let’s say I you think your house mate is using drugs or stealing from you- so you set up cameras in the house secretly. You catch them naked, masturbating, picking their nose... and what if they are innocent? Beyond that though we have laws about what can be legal evidence. These laws protect the integrity of evidence and protect people from being set up, wrongly accused, entrapped, etc. these laws all exist for reasons- usually because there was a wode spread issue or at least one major case made it far enough the first time it happened that we made a law to prevent such things. Now- the other person may have broken the law, but you did too. How is it fair to punish them and not you? If you can break the law for what you think is a good reason what if they thought they had a good reason too? Should you both go free or both go to jail?
· 5 years ago
Someone kills your friend so you kill them- is that how things should work? You get off because they broke the law first and criminals don’t have rights or cease being protected by the law? It doesn’t work. When Weed was illegal (or where it still is-) people served lengthy sentences and paid fines that destroyed them for possessing some marijuana. When prohibition was in the same was true of alchohol too. Should anyone who has used weed or is found with weed or tests positive be no longer protected by the law and on their own at the mercy of the world because they are a criminal? Of course not. What of the wrongfully accused? And speaking of which- if you get to dispense your own justice that doesn’t have to follow the law- how do we know you gave a fair trial and followed all the evidence BEFORE you broke the law? If you had and could prove they were guilty- you wouldn’t need to break the law would you? That’s the sort of thinking that leads to lynch mobs and witch burnings.
· 5 years ago
If the recording is done in the recorder’s store, it’s their property and so they should be able to record.