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· 5 years ago
Thank you mom
· 5 years ago
I’m not honestly sure I’d be upset. I mean- to be honest? RDR2 has depth, some beat and funny moments, and gorgeous scenery- but I’m in chapter 3 and it isn’t really grabbing me. I don’t expect spastic non stop action- the “slow” pace is like or hate but that’s not it. I just keep asking myself while I’m playing if this is really what I want to do. I’m not super incentivized to make bigger satchels because I can already carry enough- well... my inventory is always full but that’s because I never need to use any items and things only sell for cents or a few dollars so there’s no point selling. Story gives you guns and buckets and upgrades- so I don’t really need to do anything there, and there aren’t really enough difference in most guns to make me care about getting a new one. So asides playing dominoes or poker like an old LCD handheld, or riding my horse constantly back and forth where I need to be- I haven’t found much motivation in the game. No loot or money motivation, no story...
· 5 years ago
.. motivation, I took a break because the game so far to me doesn’t seem like a game but just a bunch of mini games. It feels like after you’ve beaten GTA V offline mode and are just running around doing stuff for no reason on a whim to kill time- except you don’t have the degree of options as far as what sort of things you can do or what equipment you have to play around with. I’m not venting here- sharing my impressions and partly wondering if anyone else has played if I’m missing something? Like “oh no- it gets good in chapter XYZ...” or “XYZ mission will make it all worth it...” or if there’s a fundamental mechanic or something I’m missing... or is it really just some missions linked together by “mini games” to kill time in life like hunting pelts etc?
· 5 years ago
I honestly really enjoyed the story, but your other criticisms are rather valid. The upgrades at your camp make little to no difference except for being able to fast travel (cuts some of the time riding back and forth on your horse) but even after I got the ability to fast travel I didn’t use it very often. But like I said, I thought the story was fantastic, there’s some excellent character development. Idk, I really enjoyed the game, I’ve already played through twice.
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· 5 years ago
The story itself isn’t bad. I don’t mean to criticize the writing- only to say that I’m not very motivated by the story. I’m Arthur Morgan but.... I’m surviving. Most stories take the protagonist (and the audience) on some sort of trip. They are going somewhere. I never feel like I’m going anywhere. “Get out of the snow because it’s cold and you’ll die.” Ok. Done. Now what? “Lay low. But also commit crimes to make money.” Oh. Ok... kinda... conflicting instructions but ok. Now what? “Go fishing.” Oh. Uh... ok. “Now rob a train and a bank and be banished from an area of the game map unless you want to spend $300 on bounty!” Wait... you told me to... “no time! More fishing! And a party! Sing!” Alright. But then will we go on a journey of narrative... “No. travel by horse!” But I upgraded to fast travel and.. “one way only it’s imersive!” But I didn’t mean to fast travel here.. “Load your game!” That’s not very immersive...
· 5 years ago
I kid. Sort of. But it sounds like maybe I just need to push through the story more. I guess I’ll spin it up after work maybe. I do want to see where it’s going. I just kinda feel like the game and the hype don’t match I guess. I played the first two but it was long ago. I don’t recall them being this way. I swear they were a little more engaging western slow burn game and a little less “cowboy survival simulator.” Although I started playing Halo on my break and part of me really wished I had to constantly stop to brush master chief and clean his armor and feed him so he didn’t get too skinny.
· 5 years ago
Either way it's better than 76 lol
· 5 years ago
Lol. I’ll take your word. I haven’t played or plan to play 76. The idea of online fallout has been a thing since my day in fallout 1 turn based 2D- and since then has been seen as potentially amazing but very easy to cock up and more likely heinous. Pretty much everything about 76 they announced right after “online fallout..” made me think it would not be amazing. If people love it I’m glad for them. But Beth continues to miss the entire idea of what the original property was about, and what brings people to the franchise. Given the wise words I’ve heard here- I think I’ll give Red Dead another shot. I lilely would have loved it when I was a teen and had time to grind all day and wanted games that weren’t for “casuals.” Now though I’ve got an hour or so tops to play and spending most of it riding to my next fetch quest hasn’t been a great experience. I think it’s a game that requires time to explore and isn’t made to be “played” but soaked up. So it’s a fine game- I’ll try again.
· 5 years ago
I enjoy playing it, and I will always defend myself when people call me out for playing it, but I still acknowledge that the game is not good. First time I played it I had fun, and it showed me exactly what I was gonna get into; a fun but glitchy mess of a game that seriously needs help
· 5 years ago
Sometimes those are the best. They might not appeal to everyone- but to those who love them there isn’t a game quite like those ones. I wouldn’t fault someone for enjoying something. Not everything has to be made for me to be good. It’s sibjective.
· 5 years ago
Trust me, there isnt any game like 76 lol