That's how I feel about now. I missed a single payment on my hospital bill and they swiftly sent a debt collector after me. Now I'm forced to pay more than I'm comfortable with or else.
I'm also 6k in student debt which technically isnt that bad, but I dont have a phenomenal job so it will still take me several years to pay it off
I’m glad that some of these elements are lessened by me being Canadian (no insane medical bills, for example, albeit much higher tax), but I can’t help but worry about the future. I’m gen z, not a millennial, so I don’t claim to know about houses and stuff, but I fear that it might get worse for us- the climate certainly will.
I'm on the old side of the millenial spectrum and grew up well below a middle class income but i see things differently. At the age of 17, my grandfather lied about his age, joined the Marines, and sailed to Okinawa to fight to preserve the individual opportunity that the United States had created. At 17 years old he crawled below enemy machine gun fire with a pistol on his hip and a belt of grenades in his teeth. He was shot twice on this little maneuver but he was able to neutralize the Japanese machine gunners who held his unit pinned to fox holes. He recieved the Navy Cross and a Purple Heart for saving his platoon.
My point is that the millenial generation is not the first generation to face big problems, and it certainly wont be the last. You've been lied too your whole life about what you should expect in return for studying hard in school and choosing a degree that you feel passionate about. The reality is that your success is up to you to make and it wont be easy.
You will need to try things you're not comfortable with, take risks you dont feel good about. And you'll have to fail..... a lot. The only catch is that you must learn from your mistakes and you cant quit. That's how life works.
· 6 years ago
I don't know which little bitch is downvoting your comment, but I upvoted. I'm 25- right smack in the middle of millenialism. I live in the 3rd most expensive city for real-estate in North America, and the 8th most globally, and own my own home, car, have a decent amount of cash reserve. I'm 8 courses, less than 2 semesters short of finishing my University degree, but I've built a successful career for myself without it, and if I do finish, it'll be out of whim, not necessity. I also put myself through school starting at age 19. I have a horrible relationship with, and have had no help from my parents.
This is the state of the world. It's not pleasant, or ideal, but this is how it is, and it's getting worse. Life is hard. People need to accept these truths and just "get on with it". I'm proud of what I have achieved so far, but I firmly consider myself a failure, knowing that there is a stark difference between what I have achieved, compared to what I could've achieved.
The point is, that there's nothing special about me, and despite trying times, you can rise above them and achieve the things you want in life. Especially for those of us living in North America, Western Europe and developed Asia- despite how it may look, feel, appear, and what our pathetic peers may tell us, opportunity really is endless. That may not always be the case, but it is the case now. Failing to seize and capitalize on that opportunity reflects poorly on the individual, not the state of society.
Dude, do you realize that you're insanely lucky and your experience is not possible for most people? Some people succeed, most people don't. There were success stories even in the great depression. You are not disproving anything.
· 6 years ago
Dude, this didn't just happen. I could give you a step-by-step instruction guide on how I got here, right down to a specific company and job that would hire you and teach you how to succeed. I worked my ASS off. I'm still working my ass off...
In insulting, but much more importantly, it's misleading that you call it lucky. You're just lying to yourself. I know exactly how I got to where I am, and I could instruct virtually anyone who cared to listen. It's just a matter of getting off your ass and making it happen. .
If you guys WANT to believe its not possible, and you WANT to remain buried in negativity, depression and poverty, then I'm happy to leave you there. But vice versa, if you WANT to get out, it's very much possible. Just because you can't pick yourself up, don't dash the hopes of others who have the willpower and desire to do so.
I think his point is he doesn’t consider it luck, he considers it his hard work. I personally have mixed feelings about all this so I’m gonna stay out of it.
· 6 years ago
1/2 @lolcats121 maybe, but I think you don't realize how stupid you are. I don't argue with stupid, sorry.
@Xandri I'm in Sales. At 19, I worked 16 hours+/day 6 days a week for the summers between school years to put myself through school. Made about 30k/per summer. Still needed loans, but much less. I got paid hourly, but my pay was 95% commission. Other people didn't make nearly as much
In 2016 when I finished school at 22, I got a job doing door-to-door sales, commission only. No hourly wage at all, so if I didn't master the job and sell like mad, I didn't make a penny. That's where I made the majority of my money. I didn't make an hourly wage or a salary again until about 8 months ago... so please don't tell me it's luck. That's insulting, not only to me, but more so to the moron who's saying it.
· 6 years ago
2/2 Nobody helped me get these jobs, nobody put in a word for me, I never accepted a penny from my parents, even while they were discouraging me out the jobs that got me this far. I paid my own rent, until I could buy. I did this alone- and I'm telling all of you, it's not a lot. Anyone can do it, but you guys are insistent that life is so hard and that I must be wrong... So stay broke and depressed forever.. why should I care?
Nobody is insulting you. You're the one going around calling people names. I absolutely understand that I'm stupid and I don't want to argue either. Sorry to piss anyone off.
· 6 years ago
Glad we can agree on something. And yes, yes you are. Because when you knock doors in -50C for the winter months, working like a slave while your friends at age 21-26 are partying, and hooking up with random girls, and going to raves and concerts, and you work commission-only, which means if you're not out knocking the doors in that temperature, you will not only NOT make money, you will lose money. You still have expenses, like any other human being.
And nobody else made as much as I made, because they didn't take the time to learn to what I did, or study sales training 2+ hours a day. They netflixed, they tindered, they fucked around on where. I worked Weds-Monday for 3 years, which means I even gave up my actual weekends.
When you do that, and then, for all your hard work you have something to show for it, and some stupid fuck comes along and says its all luck, after you civilly try and explain 3-4 times that it isn't.. It's insulting, and you deserve to be called stupid.
Alright dude. Whether or not it was luck or hard work isn’t even of concern anymore. You sound arrogant and just plain bitter that you didn’t get to live your early 20’s the way other people did. If you achieved all that by 25, great work man, be humble and stop insulting people on the internet.
Please, don't thank me, thank yourself. I have no intention of taking credit for you going nowhere and achieving nothing. If my kids end up like you - then, and only then - I'll be an ever bigger failure than you're likely to be. Cheers.
Well i'll be killing myself pretty soon so i guess that's one dead weight piece of shit you won't have to rage at anymore. I hope you have a change of heart and decide to be a bit more understanding of other peoples situations in the future.
· 6 years ago
Lol, if you knew the circumstances I came from, you would not expect my understanding. Either way, you won't be getting it. Don't get me wrong, I hope you don't kill yourself, but I'm too annoyed by this conversation to try and stop you. If that's the only solution you can see...
shikharizard, don't let them get under your skin. I understand how frustrating it is when people attribute your success to luck. it really boils down to coveting and envy.
Wake up call - everyone has problems, you're not just handed a bag of money when you turn 20 and get corner office. For most people, it takes more than a few years of college and a bunch of whining to make it in the world.
I'm also 6k in student debt which technically isnt that bad, but I dont have a phenomenal job so it will still take me several years to pay it off
My point is that the millenial generation is not the first generation to face big problems, and it certainly wont be the last. You've been lied too your whole life about what you should expect in return for studying hard in school and choosing a degree that you feel passionate about. The reality is that your success is up to you to make and it wont be easy.
This is the state of the world. It's not pleasant, or ideal, but this is how it is, and it's getting worse. Life is hard. People need to accept these truths and just "get on with it". I'm proud of what I have achieved so far, but I firmly consider myself a failure, knowing that there is a stark difference between what I have achieved, compared to what I could've achieved.
In insulting, but much more importantly, it's misleading that you call it lucky. You're just lying to yourself. I know exactly how I got to where I am, and I could instruct virtually anyone who cared to listen. It's just a matter of getting off your ass and making it happen. .
If you guys WANT to believe its not possible, and you WANT to remain buried in negativity, depression and poverty, then I'm happy to leave you there. But vice versa, if you WANT to get out, it's very much possible. Just because you can't pick yourself up, don't dash the hopes of others who have the willpower and desire to do so.
@Xandri I'm in Sales. At 19, I worked 16 hours+/day 6 days a week for the summers between school years to put myself through school. Made about 30k/per summer. Still needed loans, but much less. I got paid hourly, but my pay was 95% commission. Other people didn't make nearly as much
In 2016 when I finished school at 22, I got a job doing door-to-door sales, commission only. No hourly wage at all, so if I didn't master the job and sell like mad, I didn't make a penny. That's where I made the majority of my money. I didn't make an hourly wage or a salary again until about 8 months ago... so please don't tell me it's luck. That's insulting, not only to me, but more so to the moron who's saying it.
And nobody else made as much as I made, because they didn't take the time to learn to what I did, or study sales training 2+ hours a day. They netflixed, they tindered, they fucked around on where. I worked Weds-Monday for 3 years, which means I even gave up my actual weekends.
When you do that, and then, for all your hard work you have something to show for it, and some stupid fuck comes along and says its all luck, after you civilly try and explain 3-4 times that it isn't.. It's insulting, and you deserve to be called stupid.