Given how much controversy there has been surrounding killing grey wolves the last several years I sincerely hope they're putting them in a VERY protected area and are tracking them
· 6 years ago
@Xvarnah are you ever going to tell us - or at least me - where you're from? At least which province? This is the 3rd time I'm asking, and you've strategically failed to answer the first two.
Eh? Oh I didn't realize you'd been serious the first time. I don't actually remember the second time haha. I'm from Western Canada.
Ps-- If you're planning on using this information to ship me 4 wolves, I would appreciate a headsup as I would have to murder a few of my neighbours to make room for them, and that+cleanup takes a bit of time
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
@xvarnah goddamn... for the motherly one amongst us, that took a twist. And no, not planning on doing anything with that information - just curious. I could tell you weren’t a British Columbian, but I wasn’t sure exactly - I guessed right for the record.
I lived in Deadmonton for a year, and I got kicked out of Cowboys the first and only time I went to Calgary. Good times!
Edit: I’ve also travelled to every depressing dead-end small town for work, from Drumheller to Wainright. Not fun places to spend time
@shikharizard well, now, YOU guys are the ones who classified me as motherly. This is how you end up being the neighbour on the news going "she seemed so normal and nice-- I had no idea she was capable of something like THIS."
I've been to BC a couple of times. I had no preconceptions about it when I went, either. I found that It's beautiful, but there's a lot of very unhappy people there determined to make their problems your problems. Which you'd think all the marijuana would have chilled them out some, but no.
Edmonton is an experience to be sure haha. What the heck did you do to get kicked out?
Well, I mean, you COULD be travelling in Saskatchewan, where there's literally nothing but flat and brown for the next 400 years of your life. Makes me think of the post about Ohio. "Saw 3 buildings." "Where are the buildings??"
Also I think this means we have to officially welcome you into the Canadian club
· 6 years ago
@ Xvarnah I feel welcomed already.
And OH MY GOD, it warms my heart so much to hear you say that. I tell other Vancouverites all the time, and they think I'm just being negative. There are SOOO many unhappy, bitter people here. I never had that problem even in Northern BC where people are much more like Albertans anyway, and I definitely never had that issue in Berta.
Vancouver SUCKS. I have always, and continue to detest this city. People are inconsiderate, and hell-bent on being unhappy. I fell in love with Toronto when I was there last year, so in 4 years when I renew on my mortgage I plan on moving. There's nothing left for me here anyway.
Haha I always feel nervous saying things about BC because people think "oh that's just because you're from the prairies so you're bias" and I'm like "okay... tell that to the guy who tried to tailgate me and force me into an intersection during a redlight... or the other guy who tried to pass going 30 km over the speedlimit on a tiny mountain road and nearly caused a crash involving a semi... or the self-entitled bitch on the beach who felt it necessary to take the time out of her day to criticize me feeding the geese because apparently geese are gross."
Most of this was in the Vancouver/Victoria area. I'm not sure if it's all the drugs and homeless people, the complex they've developed being so close to the US border, the screwed up economy... but there were a lot of hostile or just unhappy people there. I mean, there were several lovely people there as well-- I'm not saying the areas are all bad-- but sometimes the bad apples can get a bit
I don't think I went anywhere in northern BC. And I've nevr been to Toronto period haha. I've heard mixed things about it.
Still, if you liked it that's a good thing. Is there no way for you to get there sooner? It sounds like you're decently unhappy in Vancouver. I suppose if you could get out sooner you would have already, though
· 6 years ago
No, no bias. You’re definitely right. This place sucks. I do see it from the POV of some of the residents - the suburbs can be lovely to live in, and it is a beautiful place period. You want to love it, but it’s so expensive and everyone is so awful, you just can’t.
I’ve lived here since 97, and it’s never felt like home. I’ve spent 2-3 weeks (longer type trips) travelling to other countries, or northern B.C. like I said, or just other cities and they immediately feel more welcoming than here. Can’t stand it.
And unfortunately not. Signing a mortgage is signing your life away. I’m stuck until I can feasibly escape. I have a couple plans in the pipeline, but until they come to fruition, I’m very much stuck.
It's a shame then that Vancouver (and lake okanogan) is probably one of the places that I want to vacation to the most
· 6 years ago
The Okanagan is bearable. People outside Vancouver are less stuck up, but the Okanagan is definitely 3rd worst after Van/Vic. I went to school in Kelowna- great town for a year or two, and definitely a great place to vacation.
Vancouver- spend 10 days max and try and leave without hating the locals,
Tbh I heard the same thing about Quebec and ended up not hating anyone on my few days there, though I've also never been to Vancouver so who knows
· 6 years ago
I heard the same about Quebec. Spent a total of 4 days. I had no complaints directly either.
I also dealt by with plenty when I was working in car rentals at YVR- the bad ones are deliberately insufferable. My brother went to McGill and he had a very low opinion of them, but he said he’d take Montreal over Vancouver any day.
The closest thing I found to a rude person in Quebec was someone who got mildly frustrated bc they were taking my order at subway and she spoke French while I spoke English, so there was a bit of a language gap there
· 6 years ago
I suppose it comes down to what you make of it. The last piece of perspective I can add is, I tend to go out of my way to make friends with foreign exchange students. At this point I’ve met dozens.
Typically the ones who can come here, also have the means to travel elsewhere.
Unanimously, I hear the same conclusion. Vancouver is beautiful, great to sight-see, tour, ski, swim, beach, walk, hike, eat, but never to live. It’s a great place to come see, have fun as a tourist. I invariably ask if they would move to ANOTHER country/city, aside from their home, and here. The answer is split, but almost always yes.
Basically, Vancouver is best as a tourist destination. But I would concur that it’s an awful place to settle.
If that's the case then cool, bc I wasnt planning on living there, I always wanted to go there to see the woods, ski on one of the mountains, see the aquarium I hear so much about... andgotolakeokanoganandlookforogopogobcimaslutforcryptidslol
I'm not sure if that was a joke I didn't catch or if king is actually pissed off you guys are talking or something.
@shikharizard BC is definitely beautiful. And Vancouver and Victoria are as well. I went to the gardens when I was down there-- which I know is not everyone's cup of tea, but it was absolutely lovely.
That sucks that you can't leave for awhile. :/ at least you get to get away from time to time. That's a long time to be trapped somewhere you feel so at odds with.
@dr_richard_ew there's a chance you could avoid the unpleasanter ones. Like I said not everyone is like that-- there were some lovely people, too-- but it depends where you end up, and how long you stay. The aquarium isn't bad either :) iirc hey refused to separate a pair of rescued dolphins a several years ago despite laws saying they're not allowed to have any breeding pairs in captivity anymore (or something similar) and they also had a blind otter at one point. Not sure if he's still there
The redwood forests in BC are also gorgeous.
I've heard mixed things about Quebec. The people I've known from there seem more or less normal, although one did borrow money from my dad and never return it. So we have that.
Hey hey be nice normally we have to participate in convos about how Americans American or else someone goes off in German and we're just there like "... so how bout them world wars, eh? We've all got those in common, right?"
@xvarnah @dr_richard_ew
Ps-- If you're planning on using this information to ship me 4 wolves, I would appreciate a headsup as I would have to murder a few of my neighbours to make room for them, and that+cleanup takes a bit of time
I lived in Deadmonton for a year, and I got kicked out of Cowboys the first and only time I went to Calgary. Good times!
Edit: I’ve also travelled to every depressing dead-end small town for work, from Drumheller to Wainright. Not fun places to spend time
*suit falls off to reveal I am the geico gecko*
I've been to BC a couple of times. I had no preconceptions about it when I went, either. I found that It's beautiful, but there's a lot of very unhappy people there determined to make their problems your problems. Which you'd think all the marijuana would have chilled them out some, but no.
Edmonton is an experience to be sure haha. What the heck did you do to get kicked out?
Well, I mean, you COULD be travelling in Saskatchewan, where there's literally nothing but flat and brown for the next 400 years of your life. Makes me think of the post about Ohio. "Saw 3 buildings." "Where are the buildings??"
And OH MY GOD, it warms my heart so much to hear you say that. I tell other Vancouverites all the time, and they think I'm just being negative. There are SOOO many unhappy, bitter people here. I never had that problem even in Northern BC where people are much more like Albertans anyway, and I definitely never had that issue in Berta.
Vancouver SUCKS. I have always, and continue to detest this city. People are inconsiderate, and hell-bent on being unhappy. I fell in love with Toronto when I was there last year, so in 4 years when I renew on my mortgage I plan on moving. There's nothing left for me here anyway.
Most of this was in the Vancouver/Victoria area. I'm not sure if it's all the drugs and homeless people, the complex they've developed being so close to the US border, the screwed up economy... but there were a lot of hostile or just unhappy people there. I mean, there were several lovely people there as well-- I'm not saying the areas are all bad-- but sometimes the bad apples can get a bit
Still, if you liked it that's a good thing. Is there no way for you to get there sooner? It sounds like you're decently unhappy in Vancouver. I suppose if you could get out sooner you would have already, though
I’ve lived here since 97, and it’s never felt like home. I’ve spent 2-3 weeks (longer type trips) travelling to other countries, or northern B.C. like I said, or just other cities and they immediately feel more welcoming than here. Can’t stand it.
And unfortunately not. Signing a mortgage is signing your life away. I’m stuck until I can feasibly escape. I have a couple plans in the pipeline, but until they come to fruition, I’m very much stuck.
Vancouver- spend 10 days max and try and leave without hating the locals,
I also dealt by with plenty when I was working in car rentals at YVR- the bad ones are deliberately insufferable. My brother went to McGill and he had a very low opinion of them, but he said he’d take Montreal over Vancouver any day.
Typically the ones who can come here, also have the means to travel elsewhere.
Unanimously, I hear the same conclusion. Vancouver is beautiful, great to sight-see, tour, ski, swim, beach, walk, hike, eat, but never to live. It’s a great place to come see, have fun as a tourist. I invariably ask if they would move to ANOTHER country/city, aside from their home, and here. The answer is split, but almost always yes.
Basically, Vancouver is best as a tourist destination. But I would concur that it’s an awful place to settle.
@shikharizard BC is definitely beautiful. And Vancouver and Victoria are as well. I went to the gardens when I was down there-- which I know is not everyone's cup of tea, but it was absolutely lovely.
That sucks that you can't leave for awhile. :/ at least you get to get away from time to time. That's a long time to be trapped somewhere you feel so at odds with.
@dr_richard_ew there's a chance you could avoid the unpleasanter ones. Like I said not everyone is like that-- there were some lovely people, too-- but it depends where you end up, and how long you stay. The aquarium isn't bad either :) iirc hey refused to separate a pair of rescued dolphins a several years ago despite laws saying they're not allowed to have any breeding pairs in captivity anymore (or something similar) and they also had a blind otter at one point. Not sure if he's still there
I've heard mixed things about Quebec. The people I've known from there seem more or less normal, although one did borrow money from my dad and never return it. So we have that.
Me, a non-Candian: *unable to participate in the convo* I‘m going back to Mars! :/
Oakanagan Lake:
...okay that last pic is a joke. It's actually mostly a beautiful area. But yeah, an acquired taste