um. I think thats racist.....maybe....i don't know.
· 6 years ago
You can’t have affirmative action and equal opportunity employment at the same time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Yeah that's pretty fucked up. I thought this was for a scholarship at first but a JOB? Can we just go back to when we hired people for their actual skill level and credentials?
credentials and skill level dont matter because they are being trained. Most likely simply being a high school graduate and potentially being enrolled in uni is enough.
If your being paid it's a job. Credentials definitely matter because they're a pseudo business. They don't want to waste their time and money on someone who's not the best they can get and get the best out of their investment.
legally its a paid internship which follows different rules than an employment. Calling it a job is objectively incorrect. It's an internship. You also have a heavy misunderstanding of what interns tend to end up doing. Rarely do they do anything of actual importance. Usually they just end up watching whats going on while being a go-for. Anyone can do that.
Oh I know exactly what interns end up doing. I would also argue that it may not be legally classified as a job but that's only as far as the government is concerned. It does however entirely meet the criteria for being job. Try and be an intern that only shows up and watches and doesn't do anything else and you'll get fired/dismissed. Of course depending on the country they may not be able to legally fire you because you're right it's not legally considered a job. But they can fail your internship for not doing the work which means you fail that portion of your academic career. In the case of a non-school affiliated program they just dismiss you for the next suitable applicant. What you're shooting for is a technicality at best and it's a technicality that any real business is going to ignore as much as possible. At the end of the day they've got a business to run even if your job is to be an intern to get paid you have to do that job.
its not the intern that choose to watch and be a go-for. its the people they are supposed to be doign stuff with that decides that such is what they do. Its a big problem with internships in america and its the most common result of an internship around here. If something menial and stupid needs done like picking up coffee you send the intern. if the printer is out of toner you send the intern. That's what most interns are stuck doing whether they want to actually do something that would teach them about stuff or not.
Yes yes that's racism. That's socialism/liberalism and that's just about where we are in the states right now. We will blow right past them in less than a month if that brain-dead twit Cortez and her cronies win anything in 2020.
But let's talk about the pay. The BBC is calling £10.20 an hour a "living wage." In one of the most expensive cities in the entire world, they claim a (minority) can live on £10.20 an hour. Kids that's about $13.50 here in the states. If $13.50 for a semiprofessional job is enough to live on in possibly the most overtaxed and inflated city on Earth why in hell do you think some slacker 16 year old needs $15 or more to burn fries at McDonald's in Paducah Kentucky? Just something to maybe think about.
Corporate attorney, here: Not exactly, mrsuperman8942. The law states that a company cannot refuse to hire OR fire a person, based exclusively on their race. Because corporate environments are overwhelmingly white and many persons of color wouldn't have access to jobs purely because education, connections etc. some businesses that lack any diversity will have one minority-only position for their most basic positions (like an media internship) to encourage non-whites to apply. It NEVER removes a spot, it only adds an additional spot. These positions are NEVER heavily coveted fellowship positions, just positions that POCs never seem to get. And often, if a minority doesn't claim it, the business just adds another white person so there's no change to the status quo.
It was apparently training rather than a job so therefore did not need to comply with the Equalities Act in the same way, it was also organised by a company separate to the BBC but the BBC made this comment “This training scheme is designed as a positive action scheme to address an identified under-representation of people from ethnic minority backgrounds in certain roles; such schemes are allowed under the Equality Act and we’re proud to be taking part.”
yes your argument is indeed bullshit.
Fuck outta here with your racist ideals
· 6 years ago
@mcycman Everyone seems to forget the Irish owning Irish slaves, Africans owning African slaves, Chinese owning Chinese slaves. Who sold Africans to the white man? Africans. Betrayed their own race. Racism has always existed. I don’t know why, but people today have a hard time comprehending that it wasn’t just the white man, and yet, the white man seems to be the hot scapegoat of the day. As @bethorien had said, “Fuck outta here with your racist ideals”.
But let's talk about the pay. The BBC is calling £10.20 an hour a "living wage." In one of the most expensive cities in the entire world, they claim a (minority) can live on £10.20 an hour. Kids that's about $13.50 here in the states. If $13.50 for a semiprofessional job is enough to live on in possibly the most overtaxed and inflated city on Earth why in hell do you think some slacker 16 year old needs $15 or more to burn fries at McDonald's in Paducah Kentucky? Just something to maybe think about.
Common guys, you know this argument is bullshit...
Fuck outta here with your racist ideals