While i agree with the general sentiment of this post, i don’t think a few people that can’t understand that words have definitions are enough to call all feminism bullshit
But what about words that had their meaning subverted or coopted by public? How many times have people called their opponents nazis or alt-right, or any other similar term, when that is blatantly false, in an attempt to smear them. Or how about the term "liberal", with the original definition of being someone who values freedom, now being subverted into meaning almost the same thing as "progressive" and being heavily connected to social justice in its worst forms? It's not about words, it's how people use them.
Third-wave feminism is still called feminism, but it no longer is. They aren't fighting for equality of rights, they are fighting for equity or privilege. Which is why people refer to it as bullshit.
Saw an argument on that once on instagram comments; it didn’t matter to those people what the definition of racism was, or that the terms “sistematic oppression” and “sistematic racism” exist, it only mattered to them that apparently “it has to be sistematic to be racism”
I saw a Reddit post about how black people arent oppressed anymore because black people can use the same water fountains and facilities as white people and how many black people have become famous
Yeah the argument is that whites cant experience racisim because they're the ones in power. Idk about yall but racism is racism no if ands or buts. Just like sexism is sexism no if ands or buts.
I dont understand why people use cis as an insult. Its so dumb
· 6 years ago
Speaking as an immigrant, coloured male, I think all of this is just SJW, artificial bullshit. We create this crap so we have stuff to whine about. Seriously, just STFU and treat everyone like everyone. We are all just people. It’s like people like being victims. Does the world have nothing better to do than perpetuate this garbage generally, and upon each other?
Third-wave feminism is still called feminism, but it no longer is. They aren't fighting for equality of rights, they are fighting for equity or privilege. Which is why people refer to it as bullshit.