Oh just wait. I lived by a college for the last couple years (just moves from there recently.) All the students would be walking around, or out front on weekends or having parties- and they all looked like little kids. They’d streak or do theme parties and dress up in formal wear or club attire and they just looked like kids wearing mommy and daddies clothes to play dress up. When I was in my early 30’s I had a good friend and mentor who was closer to 60. He used to see me that way too. I thought of myself as some over the hill 30yo grown up- and he saw a dumb kid doing dumb kid stuff who talked and acted like a kid. The longer you live- the older someone has to be before you see them as not a kid anymore. Not disrespectfully. I’m not saying you can’t be mature or intelligent and be young. I’m just saying that you look like a kid to older folks.
Rookie numbers!
Nah, in all seriousness, I'm starting to feel this... I feel if I'm around college kids I'm some sort of sage and I just start doling out advice, solicited or not....
metamorphic..... time for... dun dun dun... my Cocoon!
· 6 years ago
Okay no seriously though. I used to think high schoolers were these big tough scary kids with their life planned out down to the minute but um I guess not
Nah, in all seriousness, I'm starting to feel this... I feel if I'm around college kids I'm some sort of sage and I just start doling out advice, solicited or not....