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· 6 years ago
She's a keeper for sure
· 6 years ago
im gonna cry, why you gotta do this guest/bot?
· 6 years ago
This is love. Right there.
· 6 years ago
Thank you for sharing this with us! Lately only bad rep is given to women, and people say that they remember only the bad things that happened, then why is there more posts from men about women who say or do smth wrong, but barely any vice-versa?
· 6 years ago
Lol, unpopular opinion that’s going to get downvoted, but the reason this is happening lately is because modern women are become narcissistic, blood-sucking, misandrist whores. I see posts like this fairly often, and it warms my heart because this is the kind of love im looking for. But as of the last 4-5 months I’m actively avoiding women and relationships with women and have decided never to get married. It’s not worth the risk. My ex, who was an extremely kind, sweet person, still didn’t mind using men to get ahead. And she was on the good end of the spectrum. There’s a reason the MGTOW movement is taking off like wildfire - even if I don’t think it’s necessarily healthy, it’s better than the alternative. You see 1/1000 posts like this, but 50/1000 posts are about how women have lied, cheated, stolen, manipulated men. If they’re not already, modern men should be fucking HORRIFIED of any kind of a relationship with women. Sad, but true.
· 6 years ago
And some dick. Yep.