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· 6 years ago
Huh. That describes me exactly.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Wow. That hit home.
· 6 years ago
Or... maybe some of us did- but through hard work and an understanding of the aspects of ourselves we dont want to embrace, and an understanding of the underlying pathologies and triggers, we were able to change our behaviors to be more the people we want to be and less the people our circumstances dictated? To be clear- I’m not saying that because some can- all will or should. I am saying that we judge on what we see, but so much of what makes a person is what we didn’t or do not see. Knowing who a person is doesn’t tell us who they were. An educated guess is still a guess.
· 6 years ago
Most of y’all never had to grow up with parents who were so harsh, as an adult when you confronted them to you get to tell them that growing up in their house was like growing up in prison, or a concentration camp. I call my parents Hitler and Ava, and I don’t speak to them anymore. I don’t, really, love them anymore except for that lingering attachment you just really get rid of. I wish I’d had different parents.. better yet I wish I had never been born
· 6 years ago
Try being the only child
· 6 years ago
I was essentially both an only child, because my sister is 15 years older than me, so she was out of the house within 2 years, but still saw me as a baby, forever. So not only was I raised as an only child, my sister acted like a judgy second mother. So FUN
· 6 years ago
Same! I have 3 sisters, one of which is "only" 12 years older and quit the house when I was 4, the other ones are 17 and 19 years older. And it gave me exactly the feeling you describe!
· 6 years ago
For those who strongly relate to this, what are your MBTI personality types? I am very curious
· 6 years ago
I took the text 2 times, 4 years ago and in december, and it gave me architect, but yesterday it said mediator.
· 6 years ago
I've had thorough taste of dirt before tasting pussy, so I don't need a bitches opinion or acceptance of what I should feel, do, or orient my life around. I do enjoy laughing at your attempt plus this response is my icing shitting out like a well oiled McDonald's ice cream machine.