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· 6 years ago
to be fair, he stopped himself
· 6 years ago
He looked at his father, Space Hitler, and said there’s still good in him. He looked at his teenage nephew, awkward nerd from teen film, and said he’s got to die. This logic is what makes me hate The Last Jedi.
· 6 years ago
They fucked up his character so badly I cried
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· 6 years ago
All the new star wars are fucked up. The only good one is Rogue One.
· 6 years ago
Because Rogue One followed the logic of the previous movies. The Force Awakens tried, but The Last Jedi just went "whatever, this is my movie I'll do what I want".
· 6 years ago
it followed the cycle of things, where the hero passes on the torch to the next generation. that was the idea anyway, hardest things with these it to live up to the hype and the nitpickers will never be happy. best to just sit back and watch, treat it as a stand alone movie.
· 6 years ago
It's not really nitpicking when you can pause the movie every five minutes and be like "what was that all about?" And "what the hell?" And it should not be treated as a standalone because this is canon now. And it's not standalone. In that case they should have just made a new story after the old heroes. Or during the old republic or something.
· 6 years ago
as i said, turn the brain off and just enjoy the movies, pausing every 5 minutes is the definition of nitpicking
· 6 years ago
How is that nitpicking especially if you can say "wtf" to the entire 5 minutes that passed? That's not nitpicking. Nitpicking would be if you paused every frame and TRIED to find something wrong. With TLJ you don't have to try to find the shitty stuff, it's right there. I mean it's not exactly minor things that people are complaining about either. Sure there are some stuff but a lot of things is major shit. Like Leia using powerful force moves just like that, yhe oink woman who thinks it's a good idea to not tell her commanders that they got a plan and then act all smug when it turns out they did have a plan. The hyperspace jump destroying ships. Luke is not Luke. Ray still being a Mary Sue. The girl who stopped Fin from saving everyone and was like "oh no sacrifice we only need power of love". There was too much for it to be enjoyed at all and even worse as a Star Wars movie.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
as you said "nitpicking when you can pause the movie every five minutes"