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· 6 years ago
If there isnt a scene where someone says "Captain" and Cap and Carol both respond, I will be disappointed
· 6 years ago
If they don't point out Carol's hilarious drinking problems I'm going to be disappointed. They skirted it with Stark.. and she EASILY drinks him under a table. At least set it up for a nod and then follow through. Ironman 2 was supposed to heavily involve "Demon in a Bottle"... but all we got was a War-Machine b-day fight and blood poisoning.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
I'm fine if they save it for Endgame though... just don't pussy-foot around it.
· 6 years ago
Huh. That is lazy. Like- ever notice in movies how all the soldiers in a military carry mostly the same gear and wear pretty much the same uniforms? In real life what are the odds that two people who are heroes would both be in the military, both go through basic training, both fall down, both wear hats, both wear uniforms and the sunglasses? How often do you EVER see people in the military wear sunglasses? And the costumes? They both have costumes as heroes? Lazy. I bet they probably both had to saltire superior officers and even both eat food! Like come on. Be more original. She shouldn’t even have been a person. They should make her exist as a blob of color that speaks using quantum vibrations and thinks in 6th dimensional terms- that would have taken writing skills and been original. Hack writers.