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· 6 years ago
So what’s the average human IQ???
· 6 years ago
Around 100-110 I think.
· 6 years ago
100 is supposed to be the average
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· 6 years ago
Damn. That guy’s so genius he went full retard.
· 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
How to calculate that?
· 5 years ago
100 is literally average. There is no other definition of "average IQ".
· 5 years ago
100 is supposed to be average but in practice the real average iq tends to be higher than 100 because they don't move the scale down as the average intelligence goes up
· 5 years ago
Then the scale is at fault because 100 is defined as average. Also it doesn't matter past like...age 16 or something? Because IQ only really matters for children because it's more or less a measure of their ability to learn and extrapolate. An adult's experience taints this, as far as I understand.
· 5 years ago
calling something the average doesn't make it the average. You can define 100 as the average as much as you want but if the scale isn't changed calling 100 the average is just wrong.
· 6 years ago
I don’t care if my mate has in IQ of a rock. As long as he/she don’t keep trying to eat their or my booger’s. Sniffs their hand after scratching their, my or a dogs butt. Knows how to put their shoes on the right foot an tie them. Can cook a meal without burning down the house an then feed themselves. An acouple of other small things. I’m good to go. Cause I’m not that smart. An hope the person I fall for is willing to over look that I’m not perfect or have an IQ the same or better than Stephen Hawking. I want them to love me for me an my defects as I will them!!
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
I got pissed at the question and happy at the answer and no, I am not a feminist. I would have had the same emotions had it been the other way round in terms of gender.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
IQ does not equate accomplishments though, some people have very high IQs, but they don't have the opportunity or will to do something great
· 6 years ago
Sincere question here: why did he marry her to begin with, if he had known prior? "If." Now he may have recently found out that he has such a feature but why should this matter now? He married someone whom he presumed he can spend his life with and he is only thinking this now to leaving her because of a iq number? Is she annoying, slower then the average person, or just clearly clueless? Any in any case he is at fault for not thinking this through, thus he is not "smart/wise" at all. Is an IQ a true measurement of intelligence?
· 6 years ago
People with high IQ's are often socially inept (translation = assholes), whereas people with lower IQ have a better EQ (emotional intelligence), are easier to get along with, generally pleasant, and genuinely kind. Which type of person would you rather be with?
· 6 years ago
Well I’m everything you said a person with a low IQ has but...... I’m still an Asshole! Sooooo am I in the middle IQ range or what?
· 5 years ago
I was making a sweeping generalisation. For individual cases; we all make choices.
· 5 years ago
I’m joking. I really don’t mind what my mates IQ is as long as he/she is what I said above then I be good!!
· 5 years ago
There was a 3 year old who has an IQ of over 160. She is the youngest MENSA member ever
· 5 years ago
My IQ is 146, it means I am in the 0.1% of human population with similar IQ levels. I do feel smarter than others on moments, but not always and especially not when it comes to social interactions. I had to learn to mimic others in their behavior. And I have not accomplished much in my life. I married, moved to another country and am bilingual, but also can understand 3-4 other languages even though I've never learned them. I believe if I had better conditions when growing up like better school, not being dirt poor, having the opportunity to learn more languages, I would've brought so much good to this society. But sadly, no opportunities for a smart, poor kid growing up in a backward country, and loads of opportunities for rich and spoiled kids growing up in wealthy countries equals bad society on the verge of collapse. I wish there was a mandatory IQ test in every school in the world. We should be given equal opportunities based on our IQ's and not on our wealth.