Oh, look, a question from an antivaxxing flat-earther. Good on the person that answered them, they mcfricken deserve it.
/Apologies, I'm half asleep/
This always pisses me off. Bitch, how about I sit on you, pull your hair and punch you. Then punish you for telling me to stop. Screw that. Our house rule has always been that if you get scratched or bitten because you are picking on an animal, DO NOT complain and whine because you will only get in more trouble from the adults. Animals can't communicate in words, and their only defense is tooth and claw. Respect them as you would anyone else. That kind of mindset breeds self entitled bullies.
HELL YEAH GETTEM @celticrose!! I was raised the same way. I poke a dog/cat. They growl/ hiss. Mom,dad or who ever says “you keep it up an they are gonna light you up.” I ignor an do it again. I get my butt lit up from dog/cat. I cry. People say “quit crying. We told you they didn’t like that an we’re gonna light you up if you kept doing it. You didn’t listen so they got ya.” The animals in our family were treated as family. You pick on them an they lit ya up cause they had enough then it was your fault and you got in trouble not the animals. So I’m with @celticrose on this.
And if the animal in question is too mild mannered to defend itself (my dog won't even defend herself from an attacking cat let alone my daughter/her sissy) and you get caught by an adult, you WILL get smacked on principle. My poor dog has let her try to ride her (daughter weighs more than the pittie), and she has this ludicrous habit of trying to pinch her cheeks/jowls. Tallulah (the dog) just sits there and at worst will whimper to tattle on her.
Yes ma’am that is 100% TRUTH when ya said when caught by an adult, no matter who it was, ya got your butt whooped, even if the pet lit ya up or not! Actually I’d rather got caught by my mom or dad. Cause if I got caught by another adult. I’d not only get a whipping from them. I’d get ANOTHER one from the parent figures when they found out what I did. An it was worse cause now I had done “embarrassed” them cause I “made” another adult whoop me. ANNNNDDD I picked on a defenseless animal. Even if that animal was a 16-18 hand high horse that just about booted me to the moon if it had been 2-3 more nano seconds faster than I was when it kicked at me or 275-350lb pig that almost ate my leg off cause I was crossing its pen when it was eating.
NEVER cross a pig pin when they are eating, especially if there are multiple pigs. Self defense is different. They also have to learn to respect animals as a whole, including how dangerous they can be
Ohhhhhh yeah!! Cause even though I did it 1000 times and then some. All it took was that one time she was in a pissed off mood an decided I didn’t need to be in there. So she went after me. I told my uncle an he said he was glad she didn’t get me and to wait to do any cleaning, after she is out of the pen. I rode her, an played with her since then but will give her space when it feedin time.
My cousin's mother in law had a 2 year old niece who snuck into the hog enclosure. I'm going into detail but I will say, I lived with them for about 3 months and my daughter was never allowed within 3 feet of the pin, let alone INSIDE. You never know with them and they are surprisingly dangerous and they can eat just about everything, including bones
YES they are BEASTS when it comes to eating!! My other home is in Arkansas! I go up there during the summer to live the “simple life”. I get up at O-Chicken thirty. I check the chicken coop for eggs. Bring the good ones to the house, bad get mixed in the hog feed. Then it’s to the stables to let the horses out. Clean the stalls an feed & water them. Then to the tracker barn. Get to backout a $85k tractor, then a $285k bailer & various other farm machines. I can operate the skidstear & baby dozer by myself but the others I can’t really see good or just to small to use all the controls at the sametime to operate them safely or without tearing them up. After I tend to the cows, bulls, goats, pigs, children & 1 donkey named Goober. There’s other chores I do to. After I get to go swim in the pond or creek. Shoot guns or what ever I can think of before sundown. Then it’s reverse on chores then supper, shower, then bed. Rinse & repeat til summer break is over.
But you would surprised how many people don't realize how dangerous pigs can be. They hear pig and think Babe, not cloven hooved man eater. As much as I love animals and working around their little farm, I don't think I could do what you do. I'm absolutely phobic of snakes to the point I am completely paranoid, especially in chicken coops
Ya be surprised chickens can be just as ruthless as pigs. Especially when it comes to nests. I go in tired not thinking on the first couple days back an then get woke up real quick dodging spirs, beaks an wings that come at me when I reach in an “try” to get an egg or two. They come unglued an out fighting. Same goes for snakes, rats and even coons/ fox’s. They will gang up on them very fast. An even eat a mouse/rat & snake for a meal. But you are right when people come to visit the farm. Most are scared of the animals but a pig will give you a false sense of it’s ok come closer to me. Then ya hear “HOLYSHIT” or “OHFU@K” when the hog starts towards them grunting. I think they like to scare people. But will sametime nite the shit outta them too.
"when I beat my kids they resent me for the rest of their lives and leave me to rot in an aged care home" how do I get them to take the beatings happily
Train them right and it works perfectly. But you have to treat the animal, especially dogs, as members of the family so they have pack loyalty, and kids understand mistreating them is the same, if not worse, than mistreating another person.
/Apologies, I'm half asleep/
I literally know of one person who had amazing parents.