Daily Dose of Prehistory: Back From Extinction 27
6 years ago by deleted · 305 Likes · 7 comments · Trending
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· 6 years ago
Daeodon shoshonensis, which means "Dreadful Teeth", is an extinct genus of entelodont atriodactyl that lived in North America from the Mid Oligocene to the Early Miocene. Daeodon was the last and largest of the entelodonts, having a head nearly 3 feet long (for reference, a Tyrannosaurus rex head is around 6 feet) and standing about 6 feet tall at the shoulder. Its size and overall brutish build has garnered it the nickname of The Terminator Pig. Given that its fossils have been found all across the US but are never that common, its speculated that Daeodon was an apex predator in its environment. Around the time Daeodon evolved, bear-dogs crossed the Berengia land-bridge. While all other native predators like nimravids and creodonts were outcompeted to extinction, Daeodon stubbornly held on for another 10 million years as one of the last native North American predators, a testament to its success.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Yeaaaaaah entelodonts. I think I would actively fear these if they were still alive.
· 6 years ago
What is going on with the background rock though... this isn't fuckin Pandora.
· 6 years ago
Or is it? Hi, Vsauce here.
· 6 years ago
I dunno.... I just... I dunno anymore.
· 6 years ago
Ah my spirit animal, or one of my demons I can't decide.
· 5 years ago
Hey what happened to number 26? Btw i havent come to fun substance in awhile so i started at 70. Im trying to catch up. These are awesome btw. Keep it up.