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· 6 years ago
There's a guy in my class who wants to know my fanfic pseudonym, which is nearly the same as my alias here and if he does find out I'm gonna have to move, change my name and get plastic surgery on my face.
· 6 years ago
Yeah, that’s why I have a diferent name for each site I go to
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
You're obviously wiser than I am... but I liked this name and since I'm being just myself on both websites it made sense to me at the moment to use the same name, as opposite to some other websites I don't even care about where some aspects on my personnality don't really have a place. I now see the problem with that reasoning.
· 6 years ago
Someone at my school found out my Quora account and that's how my dad found out I had been sexually abused as a child. I don't know who found it but if I did, well actually I'm not sure what I would do but I wish I could make them feel the raw terror and panic I felt that day when I realized my dad knew everything that I had just wanted to take to the grave. Words cannot express how helpless I still feel
· 6 years ago
They had absolutely no right to share that. Why couldn't they have just left it alone! Why did they have to tell! I'm still so angry I can feel a lump in my throat when I think about it. It was NONE of their business. I was over it. I was in therapy. Alerting the school AND my dad was something that ruined everything I had been working so hard for. I just wanted to get it off my chest under a different name. But that person found me out somehow and ruined everything and now I'm crying
· 6 years ago
I think they've never been confronted to that type of problem and thought they were helping you by telling the adults around you (following the basic but often false reasoning "adults are responsible and will help"). I'm not trying to excuse what they did, but rather explain, if that can make you feel less betrayed. However nothing justifies doing it without telling you about it first, they clearly overstepped their boundaries. I'm sorry to hear that you've been abused, and sorry to hear about what they did. Was your dad reaction bad?