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· 6 years ago
Perhaps. Perhaps not. Memory is a funny thing. It paints the past using whatever colors it feels like at a given moment. Love is not a moment, it isn’t even a feeling. Love is beyond rationalization or words we currently posses. Today you hate them, tomorrow you can’t live without them. One week you don’t want to see them, the next you can’t bear to be away. It’s the pushing and pulling of the tides and love is the moon- there if you see it or not, the tides changing height and intensity upon its whim. We all retreat to memories sometimes. If we retreat to memories often, it may be time to make new ones. If we find ourselves unable to and have exhausted that within our power to ensure sound reasoning and still come up short- then we know it was love, as love makes us try, then we know we may still leave- the moon isn’t gone but the tides are no longer kind here. But If you leave because the present isn’t as sweet as a memory, it was never love. Like a memory it was all in your head.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
This is the most hauntingly beautiful explanation to love I’ve ever read
· 6 years ago
This is a very important concept we learnt in psychology, that all memories are tainted by your current emotion, and no memory is ever 100% accurate. Memories are also influenced by whether you are a retrospectively-biased thinker, or a prospectively-biased thinker. Furthermore, it is influenced by your current biases towards information: the things you are interested in you will most likely pay more attention to and remember better.