Well maybe English is not their native tongue. So writhing it so people can read what they found is hard for them. An I know the first one all to much!! Lost my Dad and Uncle Chris,LiquidE on here,to it! This goes out to anybody who is thinking that suicide is the only way. Please think about what you will be leaving behind. You also only transfer the pain to someone else. Who in turn might commit suicide too. Do you want them to die cause you put the burden onto their shoulders? I have more questions than answers an I miss them both very much. Life is not the same since they left to soon! Please seek help by any means. You are not a looser or weak for asking for help. You are actually very strong to know you have a problem and need help to get on the right track! PLEASE DONT DO IT!!!! PLEASE!!!
I think your post has a good message, but I feel inclined to point out that the person saying "suicide more" is saying it in the title. The title of this post says "maybe women should suicide more to fill the gap." The title is saying women should kill themselves so the discrepancy between between male and female deaths won't be so high. The title is ignorant and wrong, and alekazam is addressing the title, not the post itself
So whether English is their native language or not, I think grammar is probably the least of their problems, but I wouldn't worry too hard about defending it :)
I was talking about suicide in general. I lost my dad who was an active member of Funsubstance back in October and my Uncle couple of months before that to suicide. He was also an active member here too, his screen name was LiquidE,. I don’t care who you are, who you think you are, or anything like that. If ya think suicide is the answer I beg that you try an find a different way to ask the question. Cause you just end up passing the pain to someone else. An they too just might think suicide is the answer to their problems.
This title is incredibly fucked up. Still, of course sexism hurts everyone, men and women. That is why every one of us should be involved in this fight.
"In reviewing suicide statistics it's been found that women are roughly three times more likely to attempt suicide, though men are around three times more likely to die from suicide."
So, in the US (which I assume is what these statistics are based off of if we're including sexual abuse) women are more likely to attempt suicide, men are just more likely to be successful at it. Possibly this is because women typically go for drugs, hanging, or occasionally their wrists for suicide, which has a grace period where they may be revived. Men are more likely to take more extreme options, which are harder to recover from.
"Male youth and young adults are more like than their female counterparts to have dropped out of high school. In 2016, 7 percent of males ages 16 to 24 were high school dropouts, compared with 5 percent of females. Although males comprise roughly half of the population in this age group, they make up 59 percent of high school dropouts. In recent years, males have been more likely to drop out, though female youth were more likely to drop out of school prior to 1980 "
The third one is dependant entirely on a case-by-case basis. Since it's very hard to get an accurate statistic on this that maps out all factors such as abuse, child support, addiction issues, etc etc etc, there's no real way I can think of to accurately present a statistic on this. However, it generally is more difficult for males to see their children in custody disputes, and it isn't always for justified reasons.
The fourth one is also somewhat dependant on a case by case basis since it depends on what crime was committed, the criminals involvement, and what crimes they were prosecuted under, what route the prosecuter decided to take, their criminal history, and many other factors. On average, it does appear women do receive lighter sentences for similar crimes, and race is also potentially a factor.
I did find this article on the subject if anyone wants to read it:
Prostate has begun to kill more men than breast cancer does women, however these are recent statistics, provided from the UK it seems, and also fail to take into account the age range the disease typically manifests is lower in women (typically 50, whereas men are most likely to develop prostate cancer after they turn 60).
This being said, funding for prostate cancer Is significantly lower than breast cancer. Based on the American Cancer society's grants, breast cancer received roughly 30 million more in funding than prostate cancer. Ovarian cancer received around 20 million, and I have no idea how much testicular cancer received because it doesn't seem to have its own category... which speaks for itself I guess.
Additionally, men often are less likely to get screen in general. This can be financial, or personal choice due to perceived stigma, embarrassment, or discomfort. I'm not sure how we fix the latter problem, since I think women are more mentally prepared for potentially invasive procedures than men on a mental and emotional level. It's uncomfortable for both genders, and individual people, but I definitely see men responding more negatively to the thought of a prostate exam than women do to a cervical one
First note: please keep in mind feminists are not actually bias against men. The group of women being referred to are sexist and ignorant and don't actually fall under the feminist categorization.
That said, according to various websites 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men will be raped in their lifetime. This, I assume, is not including statistics for countries such as India and China.
HOWEVER, it is estimated that 1 in every 3 women and 1 in every 6 men will experience some form of sexual violence-- often before they turn 18. The exact numbers are unknown because it is still one of the most underreported and underacknowledged crimes in the world
While women are still overwhelmingly more likely to be victimized, according to RAINN, nearly 3 million American males have experienced attempted or completed rape.
I don't know the statistics on prosecutions and such, but I can say that, unless it was an adult accusing a man who preyed upon them when they were a child, I cannot recall hearing about a male victim attempting to prosecute an assault. Which says to me the victims exist, but are not coming forward.
I've known people who have had encounters, and read about many more, and can say that, especially when it comes to women abusing men, society has an extremely fucked up view about how to react to it. It's often rarely even seen as a crime at best, and it's viewed as a joke at worst. I'm not sure how we reached this point as a society, but I do know nothing will ever change if our attitudes don't first. And nothing will ever change if we don't talk about it
"Feminist bias" yeahhhhh bs. 4/7 of these problems are things feminists regularly talk about and insist we as a society should focus on. I used to be an anti-feminist but academic feminism is really something vastly different than the screaming pink haired high schoolers you see on Twitter. Feminists care deeply about issues concerning men, specifically those that rose out of strict gender roles such as the tiny likelihood of men to seek help when they've been raped, abused or when they have mental health issues. These problems stem out of the stereotype that men should always be strong and can't seek help or show emotions. Feminists care, guys. Don't discard the whole movement because there are some bad apples. I don't discard MRAs because there are some MGTOWs and incels in the movement either, and actually feminism and MRA have a lot of common goals.
With all the social power the movement carries nowadays more reasonable feminists would benefit from calling out the loud nut jobs so the whole movement doesn't look like loud nut jobs instead of passively letting them be horrible and hateful with no reprimand.
The loud ones make more things happen and spread more of their own message. Letting them control the movement makes men feel hated, but feminism as a whole seems disinterested in rooting them out. Many feminists share horrible sexist posts about men but also claim the things you're saying; or they like or retweet horrible things others said and maybe throw a "yass queen", "bless", or "male tears" comment in there.
Just kind of frustrated because there are reasonable feminists, obviously; but because they are reasonable they let the unreasonable take the reins and ruin a good thing.
But feminists do call out the terrible feminazis. They just usually get taken over/swarmed by the anti sjw neoreactionaries who fight over an opportunity to tell a feminazi she's wrong about something harder than vultures over a juicy corpse.
Also you must keep in mind that those "nutjobs" are a) no part of a scientific or academic community - which is the main reason why "real" feminists rarely comment on them, like scientists usually don't address flat-earthers and creationists - but just live in "social media" bubbles and are b) in many if not most cases just made up by meninists builiding straw(wo)men.
Yes exactly, academic feminists usually have their hands full with research. Biologists don't comment on Shapiro's "pronouns are determined by chromosomes" bs either because they're concerned with academia, not frauds and crazies.
Problem is the movement isnt about academic power its about social power so saying nothing and ignoring them is just letting them take over the movement.
You ignore flat earthers because they have no social power as most dont take them seriously. It's the opposite with radical feminists.
· 6 years ago
Great, comprehensive list of what toxic masculinity almost inevitably leads to. This sh!t fncks up life for men probably worse today than for women, so maybe more people can appreciate that the idea of feminism and the vast majority of people calling themselves feminists are addressing just that, and want to end it, rather than exterminate all men.
As I said in my other comment: those women are not feminists. Just because you wave the flag doesn't mean you're part of the community. You have to actually follow their guidelines and share their goals. The
PETA may claim to be animal loves but that hardly makes all animal lovers PETA. Sexist women who want inequality for men may claim to be feminist but that hardly makes feminists the same as them
That may be true, but it doesn’t stop them from poisoning the term, nor does it stop ‘they aren’t real feminists’ from being a no true Scotsman.
But on the chance that the fallacy fallacy is correct in this case, you’d need to convince a lot more people of that for them to stop.
If we talk about it and people actually stop to think about it, they can very easily spot the difference between a feminist and people like that. Someone screaming loudly that they identify as something, and people blindly believing that to be the case, regardless of their behaviour, says more about the people blindly believing imo.
There are terrorists who claim to do things in the name of Allah. And yet we all know that this doesn't make Muslims terrorists. If anything it makes the terrorist not-muslim.
There are groups that believe women should be enslaved and serve men, and yet it's easy to spot the difference between them and realize they are far from the normal male, no matter they claim to speak on their behalf.
The KKK claim to want better treatment for white people, with other races beneath them. That doesn't make every white person KKK.
It seems fairly straightforward to me.
I could go on the rooftops and scream I identify as a tomato, and all things I do are for the betterment of the lives of tomatoes, and then go and blow up a supermarket. Anyone who blindly chooses to say, based on me claiming I was a tomato, "wow, those fucking tomatoes are absolutely insane! I hate that vegetable/fruit, it kills so many people!" has a very malleable view of reality, and it kind of makes me wonder at their ability to distinguish between any two things at all.
But if you say you are a tomato, then 10 others say they are too, then 100, then 1000, at what point does it just become truth? You still wouldn’t be what tomatoes used to be, but you would become the new tomato, and people would decry the original tomato as not being a tomato.
If I say I'm black, and 100, and then 1000 say they are also black, when it is very obvious I am not black, and black people continually point out I'm not black, at no point do I actually become black. If the world becomes so easily corruptible that they start giving in and saying I'm black and telling actual black people "see what your kind are doing??" Then we're reached such a point of ignorance as a society that if Thanks ever does journey after the infinity stones, I'm afraid I'd be inclined to help him. We no longer have the ability to cope at any kind of level and have no right to consider ourselves an intelligent species.
When a child throws a tantrum you don't concede that maybe they're right and start letting them have their way. You stay your ground and remind yourself no matter how loud they scream, their point is invalid. Giving in accomplishes nothing and worsens the situation as a whole.
If people choose to give in, I don't see how feminists can be held responsible
Hey, worked for Shaun king, and the not-feminists are still called feminists. Unfortunately, it seems society is that corruptible. Or, at least, the definitions of labels are.
I think your post has a good message, but I feel inclined to point out that the person saying "suicide more" is saying it in the title. The title of this post says "maybe women should suicide more to fill the gap." The title is saying women should kill themselves so the discrepancy between between male and female deaths won't be so high. The title is ignorant and wrong, and alekazam is addressing the title, not the post itself
So whether English is their native language or not, I think grammar is probably the least of their problems, but I wouldn't worry too hard about defending it :)
So, in the US (which I assume is what these statistics are based off of if we're including sexual abuse) women are more likely to attempt suicide, men are just more likely to be successful at it. Possibly this is because women typically go for drugs, hanging, or occasionally their wrists for suicide, which has a grace period where they may be revived. Men are more likely to take more extreme options, which are harder to recover from.
I did find this article on the subject if anyone wants to read it:
This being said, funding for prostate cancer Is significantly lower than breast cancer. Based on the American Cancer society's grants, breast cancer received roughly 30 million more in funding than prostate cancer. Ovarian cancer received around 20 million, and I have no idea how much testicular cancer received because it doesn't seem to have its own category... which speaks for itself I guess.
That said, according to various websites 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men will be raped in their lifetime. This, I assume, is not including statistics for countries such as India and China.
HOWEVER, it is estimated that 1 in every 3 women and 1 in every 6 men will experience some form of sexual violence-- often before they turn 18. The exact numbers are unknown because it is still one of the most underreported and underacknowledged crimes in the world
I don't know the statistics on prosecutions and such, but I can say that, unless it was an adult accusing a man who preyed upon them when they were a child, I cannot recall hearing about a male victim attempting to prosecute an assault. Which says to me the victims exist, but are not coming forward.
I've known people who have had encounters, and read about many more, and can say that, especially when it comes to women abusing men, society has an extremely fucked up view about how to react to it. It's often rarely even seen as a crime at best, and it's viewed as a joke at worst. I'm not sure how we reached this point as a society, but I do know nothing will ever change if our attitudes don't first. And nothing will ever change if we don't talk about it
The loud ones make more things happen and spread more of their own message. Letting them control the movement makes men feel hated, but feminism as a whole seems disinterested in rooting them out. Many feminists share horrible sexist posts about men but also claim the things you're saying; or they like or retweet horrible things others said and maybe throw a "yass queen", "bless", or "male tears" comment in there.
Just kind of frustrated because there are reasonable feminists, obviously; but because they are reasonable they let the unreasonable take the reins and ruin a good thing.
You ignore flat earthers because they have no social power as most dont take them seriously. It's the opposite with radical feminists.
PETA may claim to be animal loves but that hardly makes all animal lovers PETA. Sexist women who want inequality for men may claim to be feminist but that hardly makes feminists the same as them
But on the chance that the fallacy fallacy is correct in this case, you’d need to convince a lot more people of that for them to stop.
There are terrorists who claim to do things in the name of Allah. And yet we all know that this doesn't make Muslims terrorists. If anything it makes the terrorist not-muslim.
There are groups that believe women should be enslaved and serve men, and yet it's easy to spot the difference between them and realize they are far from the normal male, no matter they claim to speak on their behalf.
The KKK claim to want better treatment for white people, with other races beneath them. That doesn't make every white person KKK.
I could go on the rooftops and scream I identify as a tomato, and all things I do are for the betterment of the lives of tomatoes, and then go and blow up a supermarket. Anyone who blindly chooses to say, based on me claiming I was a tomato, "wow, those fucking tomatoes are absolutely insane! I hate that vegetable/fruit, it kills so many people!" has a very malleable view of reality, and it kind of makes me wonder at their ability to distinguish between any two things at all.
When a child throws a tantrum you don't concede that maybe they're right and start letting them have their way. You stay your ground and remind yourself no matter how loud they scream, their point is invalid. Giving in accomplishes nothing and worsens the situation as a whole.
If people choose to give in, I don't see how feminists can be held responsible