I don't see anything wrong with that. What is America other than an amalgamation of the world's cultures coming together to enjoy freedoms not afforded in other parts of the world?
I just wish people would shut up and enjoy and appreciate what they have.
I don’t think they are saying there is anything wrong with enjoying things from other countries or cultures- they are pointing out that many people who have xenophobic attitudes or beliefs regularly enjoy things from the very same cultures they want to exclude- and that people who are obsessed with protecting some ideal of American culture overlook that as you say- American culture is the combination of many cultures and is not threatened by other cultures but enhanced through contact with them.
American culture, while being a combination of many outside cultures, is very distinct. It’s only natural that American citizens want to preserve it. It’s not xenophobic to want to keep America “American”.
Lol. @halfdeadhammerhead- killed me. Well said. @guest- what is “American”? Do you like “American?” Here is the thing- if you lived long ago, or could travel back in time you’d see that “American” and what that means, daily life and culture- they have changed much over time. It’s social evolution. Without the changing of what “American” is- the “America” you love wouldn’t exist. America is wonderful. But it isn’t perfect. The only reason not to change a thing is when you think it’s perfect- but even at that, most people eventually change their idea of “perfect,” the “perfect” living situation and location,job,car,partner,etc. at 19 for most is not likely what they’d call “perfect” at 50. Things change. There’s a difference between preserving heritage and being xenophobic or isolationist. You can keep living history without being Amish- they too decided they didn’t want to loose their identity. No disrespect to good people but I don’t want to be Amish. Do you?
I just wish people would shut up and enjoy and appreciate what they have.