I can't watch the show "Frasier." I tried, and I felt uncomfortable for most of each episode and I finally just realized life is better without that craziness.
Frasier just pegs my cringe-meter every time. Their episode formula is somehow on the same wavelength as my worst nightmares. You know I can handle a lot of crap IRL, but I seriously cannot mentally handle watching that show lol
Haha a lot of sitcoms do consist of people creating their own problems via neuroticism and then lather rinse repeat. Tbh that sounds like the same reaction I had to Seinfeld. I think he's quite funny, but the TV show just grated me every single episode..
Though when I initially said cringey I was meaning more when people do something insanely embarrassing and it's like "oh God just no... I can't watch them do this to themselves" x)
Have you guys seen Dunkirk? It's not a cringe film but I left bruises on my friends arm because I was so stressed during the entire thing. Great movie though 10/10 would recommend
Fraiser messes with me as well. I know that I should get the "jokes"... and I do... I just cringe instead of laughing. I have the same issue with Friends.... Chandler just irritates me. You'd think it be Ross... but nah.. dudeman loves dinosaurs, he's cool.
I've never seen Dunkirk, what's it about?
I never understood why Ross got so much hate tbh. Except the one season where he has long hair and is all whiny and mopey. Couldn't stand him that season
@xvarnah and @jasonmon
Dunkirk is about the war in 1940, where Germany fought British and French soldiers and it's from the viewpoint of British soldiers. In the entire movie there's very minimal dialogue, it starts off intense and gets even more intense and the suspense is insane. The great thing about it is there's so much silence and it's not dramatised in a typical sense, instead the film uses sound and visual muted tones to put you in the place/ mind of a solider and embody their emotion. So good.
I thought it was good, though depressing. It's less to do with the fighting itself, though. It focuses more on the Jewish population in Warsaw leading up to and during the war, in particular one Jewish pianist and his family. It's supposed to be based on a true story.
Though when I initially said cringey I was meaning more when people do something insanely embarrassing and it's like "oh God just no... I can't watch them do this to themselves" x)
I never understood why Ross got so much hate tbh. Except the one season where he has long hair and is all whiny and mopey. Couldn't stand him that season
But he liked dinosaurs,
Dunkirk is about the war in 1940, where Germany fought British and French soldiers and it's from the viewpoint of British soldiers. In the entire movie there's very minimal dialogue, it starts off intense and gets even more intense and the suspense is insane. The great thing about it is there's so much silence and it's not dramatised in a typical sense, instead the film uses sound and visual muted tones to put you in the place/ mind of a solider and embody their emotion. So good.