might teach them a thing or two if they want their account back
6 years ago by deleted · 409 Likes · 4 comments · Fresh
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· 6 years ago
At least they're giving you an option to get your account back after breakind rules and cheating. They don't have to do it at all.
· 6 years ago
The thing is, the poeple like these who get banned aren't using "cheats". They're using mods that fix bugs, makes the game run smoother, makes the game run at all, makes it look better etc. You know, stuff that you kind of need to get a $60 experience from bethesda games (even though 76 has been on a giant sale). It's not a mod that gives you free shit with the hit of a button, or instantly males you level 100 or aims for you. It's plugins and fixes. Besides, the bigger issue is that bethesda weren't that specific about third party mods when 76 was released. People didn't know what was and wasn't allowed. And don't say "then they shouldn't have taken the risk", because given the state 76 was and is in it is completely legitimate to use mods to get the experience that's expected from an AAA title.
· 6 years ago
500 words? That's not an essay, that's like ten minutes of work, bare minimum and assuming one is a fast typist.
· 6 years ago
Who at Bethesda is being tasked with reading all these ??