It is actually due to if you bring in food than that is money you would of spent in the movie theater. Because most the money movie theaters make come from the food sales.
· 6 years ago
It really isn't money I would have spent at the theater, though... I'm not going to spend that much for popcorn and drinks. I'll just go without.
You might not but others would. There is alot of people who refuse to try to bring in food. So they buy the snacks because they don't want to get caught bringing it in. Which is silly because unless it is down right OBVIOUS you are bringing in food they really don't care.
I grew up in a movie Theater. My mom worked in one from 8 years before I was born till I was 8. I learned to walk in the lobby. So every time we go to movies I make sure not only to pick up our mess but if I catch someone trying to leave behind mess I tell them you forgot you cup or popcorn or their wrappers.
My husband hates when I do it he doesn't like convertation but I have had custodians of the theater thank me so I will keep doing it.
Lmao o ok lol
Most on here would say my name is from my "collecting" of stories lol
Really it came from my brother 2 yrs younger than me.
He made my first email.
He said ok what do you want your name to be? So I listed all the stuff I collect. Teddy bears, stickers, books, Harry Potter stuff, and so on. (fyi I was 19 at the time lol) He stopped me middle of the list and said "SHUT UP YOU ARE MISS COLLECTOR!"
I later changed it to Mrs when I got married. lol
But anywho now you say it I get it lol
(O a joke I get jokes) lmao
Well trust me sometimes jokes go over my head lol
My brothers would say it is because I am so short.
But I say 5'4 IS AVERAGE HIGHT!!!
There is just to many tall freaks is all lol.
My husband hates when I do it he doesn't like convertation but I have had custodians of the theater thank me so I will keep doing it.
Know what you mean by my nickname
Most on here would say my name is from my "collecting" of stories lol
Really it came from my brother 2 yrs younger than me.
He made my first email.
He said ok what do you want your name to be? So I listed all the stuff I collect. Teddy bears, stickers, books, Harry Potter stuff, and so on. (fyi I was 19 at the time lol) He stopped me middle of the list and said "SHUT UP YOU ARE MISS COLLECTOR!"
I later changed it to Mrs when I got married. lol
But anywho now you say it I get it lol
(O a joke I get jokes) lmao
I vow to improve for the next one.
My brothers would say it is because I am so short.
But I say 5'4 IS AVERAGE HIGHT!!!
There is just to many tall freaks is all lol.