Probably try and adjust to walking with things suddenly dangling where things ought not to dangle. And mourn my breasts. And hope people still recognize me and don't assume I'm some creepy stranger
Also- pee standing up
· 6 years ago
I'd assume everyone's memories would be altered to where they thought you were always a man. Also didn't know that you were a woman.
Aha that's okay, that's actually kind of awesome haha. Pretty much every place I go online people assume I'm a guy. It's never bothered me. The legacy continues! x)
I actually only recently learned that @guest_ is male (I think? I think they said that in a post, but now that I'm saying it I have all the doubts -_-). Which I kind of thought they might be but was never sure
If I woke up a man:
1. Panic
2. Call my best friend for advice
3. Jerk off (a lot)
4. Pee standing up
5. Walk around at night alone
6. Travel alone
7. Not get catcalled or harassed
8. Wear all the clothes I love without the dreaded breast bump
9. Continue life as normal
Sprint around the neighbourhood without a shirt on, feeling the freedom of a boobless chest. Also get someone to kick me in the balls so I know how painful it is.
I feel like ripping and stretching your uterus is just a little bit more painful then a kick to the testicles but I would like to know the actual statistics for comparison.
· 6 years ago
I was fucking around with a belt one day (stupid kid shit), swinging it around, when just the very tip of it hit me right in the balls. I was on the floor for a good 20-25 minutes with my hands cupped around my crotch moaning in pain. That was just from a light hit.
Let's just all agree that pain in general, however it's caused, sucks
· 6 years ago
Indeed. It wasn't the worst pain I ever felt either. The worst was when i got my braces off and then I proceeded to get pissed off at a burger because my teeth hurt so bad that I couldn't eat it.
grim, not as bad as "ripping and stretching your uterus", but gettubg kicked in the goolies can happen every moment of everyday, giving birth, minimum of 9 months in between
Also- pee standing up
I actually only recently learned that @guest_ is male (I think? I think they said that in a post, but now that I'm saying it I have all the doubts -_-). Which I kind of thought they might be but was never sure
1. Panic
2. Call my best friend for advice
3. Jerk off (a lot)
4. Pee standing up
5. Walk around at night alone
6. Travel alone
7. Not get catcalled or harassed
8. Wear all the clothes I love without the dreaded breast bump
9. Continue life as normal