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· 11 years ago
The reason some of them might seem like total assholes is because they end up having to deal with disrespectful scumbags. I've been stopped by the cops several times and I realized that if you're respectful, obedient and nice to cops, they will return the favor.....Also I'm a girl and have boobs so that may be another reason the male ones are always really nice to me....
· 11 years ago
Go to Turkey, try flirting with the cops and see what happens...
· 11 years ago
Tell that to the Turkish people...
· 11 years ago
One time I was leaving a bar and my foot got caught in this giant crack in the side walk and I tripped. A cop tried to arrest me for being drunk in public (I was definitely not drunk and I was walking home so I wouldnt have to drive). As he was doing so, another cop pulled over to see if everything was okay, heard what was happening and let me go while telling the first cop "don't be an ass hole"
· 11 years ago
What's going on in that last pic though?
· 11 years ago
They do a lot for us by putting their life on the line everyday and dealing with the worst type of people everyday. Sometimes they are going to be a little bit grouchy and I think you can take it if it just means getting pulled over and having to be a little polite and respectful.
· 11 years ago
College cops suck... Had one come to my room cause some dude told the cops my roommate had weed in his room. So he comes at 10:30 I'm trying to get to sleep he knocks on the door says hi then "where's the weed?" Then asks where my weed was. I had no idea what was going on. Then asks why I'm lying to him. Dude was a dick.
· 9 years ago
He was misinformed about narcotics being on a college campus, which is a big no-no. So since most people in college are legally adults, they use the same force when cracking down a real
· 9 years ago
Thing was. There was no weed, some guys told the cops that to get him in trouble
· 9 years ago
Exactly, but he thought there was weed. So he had to use proper force and stuff. As if there was no weed