This is a very common occurrence with employers posting fake jobs to get free knowledge
6 years ago by fedget · 467 Likes · 2 comments · Trending
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· 6 years ago
So, I hate to have the contrarian viewpoint on this one, but well-functioning companies don’t call in candidates to farm fresh ideas about how to solve their problems. Legitimate businesses will hire a consulting company to solve what ails them. If they’re picking your brain in an interviiew about how to solve a business problem, it’s likely because they’ve already found the solution and want to see how you think. And if you think they’re interviewing you because they don’t know their know what they’re doing then, by all means, absolutely do not take an offer to work there. You’re better than that. And, trust me, if it happens, you’ll know it.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
True. It’s a skill in itself to answer questions like that with enough detail that they can see the outline of a solid plan, but that anyone not smart enough to devise the plan themselves couldn’t puzzle it out based on what you’ve given. It’s not just an interview skill but a career skill. You don’t want to be the dick who withholds things arbitrarily for their own job security, but you are a knowledge professional and not a college professor or trainer of your own replacement. At higher levels anyone above you generally wants bullet point “50,000ft” assessments without procedural details, anyone below you only needs the relevant pieces and instructions to complete their tasks. You rest in the middle and facilitate between those points. There are things only you need to know and knowing what those are is a key skill in any higher level position.