Snowman: O M G what an AMAZING DAY to be alive. I can almost *sings the word* SINNNNNNGGGGGGG!
Snowman: O M G HAY ITS YOU DAD!!! I thought I was going to be a goner but hay look at me I am still *sings word* HEEEEEERRRRREEEE!
Snowman builder: *Slaps hand to forhead munbles* Dear God why did I make you?
Snowman: O M G is that a penny? Find a penny pick it up all day long you'll have good *sings word* LLLLUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!
Snowman: O M G HAY ITS YOU DAD!!! I thought I was going to be a goner but hay look at me I am still *sings word* HEEEEEERRRRREEEE!
Snowman builder: *Slaps hand to forhead munbles* Dear God why did I make you?
Snowman: O M G is that a penny? Find a penny pick it up all day long you'll have good *sings word* LLLLUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!