The bitch should be in jail. He didn't kill the dog and she lied in court.
· 6 years ago
Okay she not only lied about:
1. The guy sexually abusing her
2. Said man killing her dog, which she knew would provide extra moral reasoning to slam the guy
Why does this shit happen so much?
Anyway, from what I read,
-the guy was convicted in april of several sex abuse crimes on top of the dog issue.
-The second DA (he was indicted by one, but ended up under the authority of another) helped Project Innocence track down the dog
-The dog being killed had never been mentioned prior to the trial, which is why they hadn't investigated it
-*The DA said he's not entirely sure the guy *didn't* commit the sex abuse, but given the unreliability of the "victim" he is no longer certain the man did commit the crime, either. Which just leaves us with uncomfortable ambiguity.
-the girl was a minor
-after they found the dog she failed to show up to talk about her testimony. When an investigator tried to approach her at her home, she ran away.
Idk why people think lying about being a victim of a crime, especially sexual assault, is okay. It makes the entire world so much worse than it needs to be. It ruins the lives of not just the wrongfully accused and convicted (and their families, who will be hounded and shamed and pitied as if they themselves had commited a crime), but of *actual* victims.
Everytime a case comes out where it's proven the accusation was false it's made it a thousand times harder for a REAL victim to be heard.
And not to mention what it puts the accuser's family and friends through. The turmoil when they think someone really has hurt the person they care about in that way.. And the insurmountable backlash they face when it comes out it was nothing but lies. IF it comes out.
You've ruined and irrevocably altered at least a dozen lives no matter what the end result it. And for what? 5 minutes of fame? A feeling of power? Superiority? A desperate, vicious scramble to play the victim and garner sympathy?
The DA wants to save face and avoid a lawsuit; they're not going to admit he's innocent beyond letting him out of prison.
Also consider: a falsely accused person is slapped in to prison and labeled as a child rapist. That's not a super great position. At all. And then you get to see your family and friends suddenly fall apart and fight over who they think you are, then lose your job, your house, your gf/significant other, and any community good will. Even when it comes out that everything was false, too much damage was done and your life is going to suck for a while. Idk how society can have checks and balances to stop false accusations like this, but the world would be a better place if we could figure it out.
A law could easily be passed that makes it so in the case someone lies and gets someone else imprisoned they get the same sentence the falsely accused got sentenced to. There would be the problem of people coming forward to Admit they lies a lot less because of it but maybe it could be done in a way that lies told before the law passed would be pardoned if admitted to.
So you're saying if someone is facing 27 years based on a lie, and it comes out that the accuser is lying, the accuser gets the 27 years? I'm compiling suggestions and I'll add this one. This is an overshare but I am just coming out of an extremely similar situation, which came out as baseless, so I just got my entire life back a couple days ago. When I get myself back together enough emotionally, I'll maybe start a funsub chat asking for other input. I am a positive person and I want to turn my experience in to something that can help the greater good but I don't know what direction to take my story: illuminate the broken justice system, discourage false accusations, talk about prison being dumb and dangerous and not rehabilitating anyone, just tell my insane story as it happened, or explain that you don't try to help someone deeply troubled who is in a hopeless situation, idk. I'm still all over the place. Mainly, to get back on topic, I appreciate the suggestion haha
The large problem with that suggestion, which you did briefly mention bethorien, is that people facing that harsh a punishment are more likely to try and commit to the lie than come forward.
To be clear, I'm not saying I don't think they deserve that harsh a sentence. But humans can be horrible, and ones that would lie about that kind of thing are already showing they're more about self-interest than doing the right thing.
I'm not sure if realistically it could be implemented where, if it's DISCOVERED you were lying, you immediately face the entire sentence your accused victim received. If you come forward, however, and reveal you were lying, you get a reduced sentence. How much reduced depends on how far along your case got and the damage caused because of it
This isn't a perfect solution, but at least there's some incentive that way.
The most important thing, to me, is that the innocent person goes free.
I agree @xvarnah, and I'm not someone who's after revenge justice or anything. I am sort of in the phrase where I'm writing everything up on the board and seeing what I can work with. I like your addition to the idea @bethorien had. Even if it's a token slap on the wrist for a first offender, I think it could maybe work to discourage this. In my case, the girl has falsely accused many, many men of raping her. I pissed her off last year and got the same treatment. I'm pretty disappointed in her and also in the justice system. It's just baffling to me that this type of behavior isn't codified or otherwise discouraged in any way that I can discern beyond making everyone feel uncomfortable.
Ffs what a piece of shit human being. I'm so sorry you got put through that. :/
I don't think revenge and justice have to be mutually exclusive, either. I mean, an accusation like that will literally destroy a person's life. Trials, news, rumours. People will question every interaction they ever had with someone accused, and if you get convicted you become a pariah. Even once jailtime is served, you're on a sex offender list, it impacts what jobs you can get, who will date you, how your family sees you, where you can live, whether your house will get vandalized in the middle of the night. And it makes it that much easier for a REAL rapist to stand up and say "what, you're gonna believe HER? Women lie all the time about that shit."
Not that I need to tell you any of that. Whatever you went through I'm sure you got more than your share of a taste of it. But if someone puts someone else through that shit, and then they go after them to the fullest extent of the law, who gives a fuck if their motives are revenge. Someone tried to steal a portion of their life, AND make the rest of their life unlivable for a fucking power trip.
But then that's just my opinion.
I'm not sure where you are in your situation, but if you can (and assuming you haven't already) one of the best things I would think to do would be to see if you can find/contact the other guys and get their stories. Whether you use this as evidence to press charges against her, or just for a future project, or even just to talk to them, I think it's your best resource to begin with.
Depending on where you want to go with it, how far she took the lies, and where you live, there are usually legal options also. At the very least it may even help to get in contact with a lawyer and/or a police department and ask them how to proceed. If nothing else it could get potentially her on their radar, which may save someone grief in the future
I'm too close to my situation right now to feel much of anything beyond breathless relief that I am not going to spend the rest of my life in prison. After the lengthy police investigation, all of my terrible charges were dismissed and I don't need to register as a sex offender or anything like that. The girl is definitely on everyone's radar now and I truly hope she gets the help she needs and this doesn't happen again. She's a ding dong, but I'm not in it to ruin her life. For me, I am trying to focus my energy on what I could say or do about this surreal thing that happened to me that would contribute to humanity as a whole.
I think the fact that you're talking about it at all, and you have a positive attitude is certainly a start for contributing to it. Maybe you'll never feel anything beyond relieved, and I certainly think that's not a bad thing. I hope I'm not intruding into it too much, you mentioned you weren't sure if you were ready to talk about the issues and I don't want you to feel like you have to give me details. You probably know this, but sometimes people don't, so don't feel obligated to say anything more or less than you're comfortable with.
I'm glad everything has been dropped against you at least. I personally hope the girl serves some jail time because the type of damage she's doing is way too severe, but the important thing is that no one is left to continually suffer because of her twisted and malicious lies.
I know the UK seems to have some support groups and such designed to help people falsely accused of rape, but I'm not sure what other countries have resources like that.
You said you're compiling information, did you have any ideas so far on what you'd like to do? (You don't have to answer this)
I imagine once you get a bit more back on your feet and have had a breather, what direction you want to take this will be a bit easier to decide.
I have different directions I can take with my situation. I'll start a chat here in the next week or two that explains the broad strokes of what happened and then opens the floor for random input. I'll discourage the revenge side of things but I am curious if someone comes up with an angle I haven't yet considered. I think I know which direction I am going but I don't want to taint anyone's perception before I hear what everyone says. Thanks for chatting with me about this today! It feels weird to bring it up at all because it's such an across-the-board serious issue.
I'll have to keep an eye out for when you make it. I don't really have much new to add at this point, but when there's more info and more people it may bring in new insights :)
While I think it's likely still true most claims are real, it's disturbing the amount of fake claims that are coming to light lately.
As I said, I don't think justice and revenge have to be mutually exclusive, but they also don't have to go hand in hand. A person can seek justice without seeking revenge. But every person is different, and only you know the best way to handle it for yourself.
Haha I was going to thank you for talking about it. It's a very serious issue, but also one that needs to be talked about. It effects lives in ways most people don't even understand. And it won't be unless people are brave enough to bring it up, and I hope others are willing to join the discussion without it turning into a trollfest in the future.
If you think of anything else you want to mention feel free to @ me also
@parisqeen and xvarnah I pretty much have myself sorted and I think I'll kick off the chat late in the week. ^Here is the stuff I've said so far about my situation, Paris. I just need to find the right balance between saying too much/not saying enough and also trying to keep it light somehow? Idk. I could write a straight-up riveting book on everything that went down, from the crazy events that led to the accusation all the way to the eventual dismissal.
I'll be interested to see what ideas people have!
I'm totally with Xvar about the whole "you can have justice without revenge". Revenge is an ugly motive and can be easily manipulated by emotions that can lead to your true purpose being pushed aside. Take your time and only say what you want to say when you write your chat. Personally, I don't know much about the american legal system (other than it's kinda shitty and jail does nothing except encourage a 'you only survive if you're tough' persona and leave prisoners with limited options once freed), so I can't really give a decent solution until I read up on how the Justice system works over there. I'll try and do that so I can contribute to your chat once you start it.
1. The guy sexually abusing her
2. Said man killing her dog, which she knew would provide extra moral reasoning to slam the guy
Why does this shit happen so much?
-the guy was convicted in april of several sex abuse crimes on top of the dog issue.
-The second DA (he was indicted by one, but ended up under the authority of another) helped Project Innocence track down the dog
-The dog being killed had never been mentioned prior to the trial, which is why they hadn't investigated it
-*The DA said he's not entirely sure the guy *didn't* commit the sex abuse, but given the unreliability of the "victim" he is no longer certain the man did commit the crime, either. Which just leaves us with uncomfortable ambiguity.
-the girl was a minor
-after they found the dog she failed to show up to talk about her testimony. When an investigator tried to approach her at her home, she ran away.
Everytime a case comes out where it's proven the accusation was false it's made it a thousand times harder for a REAL victim to be heard.
And not to mention what it puts the accuser's family and friends through. The turmoil when they think someone really has hurt the person they care about in that way.. And the insurmountable backlash they face when it comes out it was nothing but lies. IF it comes out.
You've ruined and irrevocably altered at least a dozen lives no matter what the end result it. And for what? 5 minutes of fame? A feeling of power? Superiority? A desperate, vicious scramble to play the victim and garner sympathy?
Also consider: a falsely accused person is slapped in to prison and labeled as a child rapist. That's not a super great position. At all. And then you get to see your family and friends suddenly fall apart and fight over who they think you are, then lose your job, your house, your gf/significant other, and any community good will. Even when it comes out that everything was false, too much damage was done and your life is going to suck for a while. Idk how society can have checks and balances to stop false accusations like this, but the world would be a better place if we could figure it out.
To be clear, I'm not saying I don't think they deserve that harsh a sentence. But humans can be horrible, and ones that would lie about that kind of thing are already showing they're more about self-interest than doing the right thing.
I'm not sure if realistically it could be implemented where, if it's DISCOVERED you were lying, you immediately face the entire sentence your accused victim received. If you come forward, however, and reveal you were lying, you get a reduced sentence. How much reduced depends on how far along your case got and the damage caused because of it
This isn't a perfect solution, but at least there's some incentive that way.
The most important thing, to me, is that the innocent person goes free.
I don't think revenge and justice have to be mutually exclusive, either. I mean, an accusation like that will literally destroy a person's life. Trials, news, rumours. People will question every interaction they ever had with someone accused, and if you get convicted you become a pariah. Even once jailtime is served, you're on a sex offender list, it impacts what jobs you can get, who will date you, how your family sees you, where you can live, whether your house will get vandalized in the middle of the night. And it makes it that much easier for a REAL rapist to stand up and say "what, you're gonna believe HER? Women lie all the time about that shit."
But then that's just my opinion.
I'm not sure where you are in your situation, but if you can (and assuming you haven't already) one of the best things I would think to do would be to see if you can find/contact the other guys and get their stories. Whether you use this as evidence to press charges against her, or just for a future project, or even just to talk to them, I think it's your best resource to begin with.
I'm glad everything has been dropped against you at least. I personally hope the girl serves some jail time because the type of damage she's doing is way too severe, but the important thing is that no one is left to continually suffer because of her twisted and malicious lies.
You said you're compiling information, did you have any ideas so far on what you'd like to do? (You don't have to answer this)
I imagine once you get a bit more back on your feet and have had a breather, what direction you want to take this will be a bit easier to decide.
While I think it's likely still true most claims are real, it's disturbing the amount of fake claims that are coming to light lately.
As I said, I don't think justice and revenge have to be mutually exclusive, but they also don't have to go hand in hand. A person can seek justice without seeking revenge. But every person is different, and only you know the best way to handle it for yourself.
Haha I was going to thank you for talking about it. It's a very serious issue, but also one that needs to be talked about. It effects lives in ways most people don't even understand. And it won't be unless people are brave enough to bring it up, and I hope others are willing to join the discussion without it turning into a trollfest in the future.
If you think of anything else you want to mention feel free to @ me also
I'll be interested to see what ideas people have!