As a person who needs glasses, has a HUGE FEAR of Lazer eye surgery YOU SEE THE LAZER COMING AT YOUR EYE OMGOD NO, and I happen to think I look better with glasses with thin frame. Also I have no bridge to my nose due to an acdent I had as a little kid... where was I going with this???... O Yeah this actually really appeals to me... you know if um I didn't mind having metal sticking out the side of my nose and I wasn't the kind of person who takes their glasses off to read up close or eat. Also I bet it hurt like fuck if it gets hooked on something.
Until they turn just a little too much and you rip that out of your face or bend it or both. Not to mention they're held on by screws so removing them to sleep would be a pain.
I’m over here chuckling- why would you need nose pieces then if they’re implanted to your face? How do you clean those? What if a bug flies behind them and you have to take them off really quickly to remove said bug?
This is just a bad decision all around.
I wanna watch.
This is just a bad decision all around.
I wanna watch.