I saw a video earlier today of a dude laying on the ground and was still getting the living shit beat out of him while they kept yelling "stop resisting". Don't even start about cops trying to justify pretty much any beat down by screaming "stop resisting". I know not all cops do it, but some do... and guess which one they usually look like?
My dudes, shit like this is why bodycams are a must. There are news stories out there about cops beating people up for "resisting" when the people are just stressed out and don't know how to follow their orders. Remember that drunk guy who was shot to death while trying to crawl to the cops, as they told him to do? Extreme case, but still. There are also opposite cases. Just recently a woman accused an officer of rape because she was pissed he gave her a speeding ticket. When they reviewed his bodycam footage they found out that not only was she lying, the cop was also a super nice and helpful dude, just doing his job. Bodycams help us find the truth and judge these situations accordingly, so we don't have to argue whether that dude was brutally beat up because he was resisting or not. (Which, even if someone is resisting, is not an excuse to smash their face in. I'm into martial arts and self-defense so I know that there are techniques how to disarm somone without hurting them at all)
Yes. Bodycams 100%. Also though... accountability. Those cops in that last beating or the one that tazed a guy sitting on a curb? All of them should be jailed but none of them will. They'll be fired and they'll move on and take a different job in law enforcement somewhere else. Civil suits (dude who got tazed has already filed) will follow and then the taxpayer is punished, not the police department. That blue shield works on MANY different levels.
one officer was saying to cross his legs another was saying to put them in front of him and he tried to do both at the same time which is now apparently escalation to where they thought he'd flee... dude was sitting on a curb with his arms in clear view like what the fuck his he gonna do
so you are justifying it by saying he has the stun gun out? What? The dude wasn't doing anything. He wasn't a freaking threat. That's like saying a cop has permission to shoot someone just standing there because he has his gun out. That's a freaking moronic argument.