That's one of the easiest ways to tell if someone is lying. Typically, if there's nothing to gain by lying people don't do it, because it is more difficult to lie (you have to work your brain more) than to just tell things as they are.
ok, but what would be gained by that? Who would benefit in what way by making sure that every scientist in earth, engineer. Pilot, race car driver, etc. was completely wrong and clueless? What purpose would it serve? And if everything we know about physics is wrong, and everyone applying that knowledge is wrong, how can it not only be demonstratively usable, but able to create advanced technology? More over, if there were a “real” secret physics that means not only would the “round earth” conspiracy need to involve every single person and agency with any ability at high altitude travel or data gathering and circumnavigation of the globe, but would need to invent a fake physics that somehow still works, and then control anyone studying science or experimenting so they could make sure they didn’t discover “real” physics. If any of that were even realistic, what would be so great to gain that would warrant all that work, and the additional work to keep it secret?
From what I've read flat earthers say "they" are lying for money, control, and god. A lot of flat earthers are hardcore christian, and believe that the earth is as it was in the bible. They believe that in 1956 "they" found evidence of god (the firmament) in Antarctica and are trying to hide it. It's like a satanic influence type thing, keeping us from "the light"
I'm not familiar with the bible, that's just what I've read and heard from FEs. I didn't mean all christians are like that, sorry if it seemed that way. I know many sane christians haha I was just trying to answer the quesion of what would be gained by pointing out that a lot of FEs are christain and believe that the governments of the world are using round earth as a way of hiding god
There is the idea of them giving the right math and right basic rules while hiding the true deeper rules behind them, replacing them, and explaining them incorrectly to fit the round earth stuff while conserving the functionality of the information on a technical level in an exercise in testing the limits of information control and population wide mass misinformation. As conspiracy theory as it gets but it's probably the one of the least unrealistic wrong answers with how our governments are acting of late.
Flat Earthers fall into two categories, either they are fucking nuts and actually believe it (meaning there is NO convincing them and aren't smart enough to understand basic math, so why fucking bother), or they are just great at trolling, like Kyrie Irving.
And finally... BEHOLD EARTH CHAN