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· 6 years ago
Troy was the place. A Trojan was a person that is from said place. The Trojan horse was a Greek creation. Troy was supposed to be unassailable and it was only defeated by trickery. Naming it Trojan is saying that nothing will get passed the walls by force.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
But the symbol for their company is the horse, not a city, and the horse was used to invade and destroy the city by trickery and do exactly as this post stated. The Trojans were arrogant and foolish to bring the horse through the gates. There confidence in their own infallibility and trust in strangers (enemies) offerings destroyed them.
· 6 years ago
The symbol is a horse because from a marketing standpoint having a wall wouldn't have any automatic links in the common persons mind. The actual meaning behind it is basically an in joke for those that get it. It's like Ajax soap. Stronger than grease I believe their tag line is. Only people who know Ajax was a hero who was supposed to be stronger than all of the men in grease would actually get the joke and the marketing logo is literally just the word ajax.