Men have to soak up everything. Once the men's bathroom was invaded by these bitches who didn't leave for 10 minutes, and by the time they left there were double the amount of girls because "they didn't know it was the men's bathroom" or some shit. So while they're having fun with the unirals me and my buddies are forced to suffer and sit outside to wait for them to leave (a staff member was watching and didn't let us in).
I don't give a shit about arguing for equality, but if you women pull fast ones like this and us guys have to bear with it all the time, then I sincerely hope we all die by the fiery apocalypse of the goddamn supernova real soon.
Okay so I just re-read this and now I sorta want to delete this comment, but I guess I can explain why I'm pissed.
These girls walk straight into the men's bathroom, fully knowing it's not for women. Then, they encourage more girls to come in, and next thing you know it's a party. Us guys come along and we see this shit happening, and we all NEED TO USE THE BATHROOM. But we can't, because this is the only usable bathroom in the building (the school was hosting an event, so bathrooms were limited) and the men's room is filled. With women. And the staff members forbade us from going in either the men's or the women's room. So we, the guys, had to fucking suffer with filled bladders for 10 minutes.
You wanna know what I did when I stepped into the women's room by accident? I rushed out of there and went into the PROPER room. Trust me, it isn't that hard to take 3 more steps.
In all honesty, not much. But just the fact that she decides to take picture of people without their consent sorta reminds me about that one event, and I needed to get that off my chest. Apologies though, I didn't mean to sound sexist at all.
· 7 years ago
Oh okay. You don't have to apologize I was just confused if I missed something:)
· 7 years ago
Imagine if it was the other way around, not so innocent
I don't give a shit about arguing for equality, but if you women pull fast ones like this and us guys have to bear with it all the time, then I sincerely hope we all die by the fiery apocalypse of the goddamn supernova real soon.
These girls walk straight into the men's bathroom, fully knowing it's not for women. Then, they encourage more girls to come in, and next thing you know it's a party. Us guys come along and we see this shit happening, and we all NEED TO USE THE BATHROOM. But we can't, because this is the only usable bathroom in the building (the school was hosting an event, so bathrooms were limited) and the men's room is filled. With women. And the staff members forbade us from going in either the men's or the women's room. So we, the guys, had to fucking suffer with filled bladders for 10 minutes.
You wanna know what I did when I stepped into the women's room by accident? I rushed out of there and went into the PROPER room. Trust me, it isn't that hard to take 3 more steps.