*looks down*
*my dick has disappeared and in it's place is a vagina*
Wait, but-...But I'm...I don't-...but how?-...
you know what, I don't wanna know, just fuck me.
You listen to rammstein? I was always under the impression, as this is what I was told, that rammstein is like the nickelback of germany. Don't get me wrong I love rammstein but id always heard it was unpopular in germany
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
@metalman some people love it, some not. i as an example don't like it & come from germany. but i don't like it because i have a different music taste, not because I'm from germany. here in germany it's basicly random.. some like it, some not. but i know that some non-germany dudes seem to love yelling "DU.. DU HAST.." :')
It's a very special kind of music. Many people don't like it but I know a lot that do. Also the lyrics can be quite... extreme. Like “Stacheldraht im Harnkanal“ or “Ich führ dir Nagetiere ein“ (“barbed wire in your urethra“, “I'll insert rodents into you“)
And as a german you don't only hear his weird accent and the metal music in the background, you also understand the fucked up shit he sings. So I get how some don't like it.
('Du hast' is a harmless one btw)
Gay is not an insult. it is a sexuality and the way some people live. You could of Simply said "That's dumb" or "That's stupid" no need to mis-use a term for homosexuality. thanks.
i knew somebody was gonna say that shit lol
what are you, a faaaaaaag? :P
gay people are probably laughing at you rn
· 7 years ago
@meg sorry to say this but most times if someone say "that's gay" he just means "thats dumb / stupid". this "that's gay" is a common term for sayin that, even if original "gay" means another thing. it depends on the situation where you say it. even in germany we use "das ist schwul" sometimes when we don't like something. but not because we think being gay is bad / not normal. it's just a thing people say because they are used to it (basicly a "slang"). we don't try to insult people who are gay with such a thing. i even know a few dudes who are gay & even they use this in their language (like "thats gay" = i don't like it) and don't feel insulted if someone is using this. people don't want to insult other people with that.. and people who are really gay don't feel insulted (atleast the people i know don't) by this. 2017 & 2018 is really the year of feeling insulted.. it's annoying. people start to feeling insulted by the littlest things..
I have a dick
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick
(Imagine with Rammstein pronunciation)
*looks down*
*my dick has disappeared and in it's place is a vagina*
Wait, but-...But I'm...I don't-...but how?-...
you know what, I don't wanna know, just fuck me.
And as a german you don't only hear his weird accent and the metal music in the background, you also understand the fucked up shit he sings. So I get how some don't like it.
('Du hast' is a harmless one btw)
what are you, a faaaaaaag? :P
gay people are probably laughing at you rn