@kittykatsuma03 If you're talking about the pen in the gif, then it's not going to be a calligraphy pen nor a pen with an italic nib (the metal writey bit).
This is a standard fountain pen that has a flexible nib. Typically nibs aren't flexible, and the ink flows down a tiny space between the two tines, or pieces of the nib, to the paper. The drawn line won't be thicker than the tip of the nib. A flex nib opens up when you put pressure on it, spreading the tines like you see above. The ink keeps flowing down that opening (capillary action), but with a wider area of nib-paper contact, leaving a wide line.
Italic nibs are cut across the middle, do the default is wide. But you write at an angle, so only side strokes get thick.
The most affordable pens with flex nibs are sold by Noodlers. They sell ink too.
Source: I sell fountain pens at work
· 7 years ago
If you're really interested in pens, tag me in a chat, and I'll teach you the ways of the fountain pen.
· 7 years ago
Cool to see other fountain pen enthusiasts on here :)
Hey y'all, this actually isn't a fountain pen. While some fountain pens have flexible nibs, most of them don't or are expensive because they are typically made out of gold. This is just a nib used in a pen holder i.e. a "dip pen." The particular nib used in the gif is a Brause Steno 361, I believe. Hope this helps.
This is a standard fountain pen that has a flexible nib. Typically nibs aren't flexible, and the ink flows down a tiny space between the two tines, or pieces of the nib, to the paper. The drawn line won't be thicker than the tip of the nib. A flex nib opens up when you put pressure on it, spreading the tines like you see above. The ink keeps flowing down that opening (capillary action), but with a wider area of nib-paper contact, leaving a wide line.
Italic nibs are cut across the middle, do the default is wide. But you write at an angle, so only side strokes get thick.
The most affordable pens with flex nibs are sold by Noodlers. They sell ink too.
Source: I sell fountain pens at work